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Canada, Romania, Zambia… The New Apostolic Church broadcasts central divine services in over thirty regions and more than fifteen languages worldwide. And those who are on the road and wish to watch the divine services in their home congregation can do so too in many cases.
Live-Streaming on Sunday, 23 April 2023
- Angola, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_ang
- Canada, English, French, https://t1p.de/nac_ca
- East Africa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_ea
- France, French, https://t1p.de/nac_fra
- Equatorial Guinea, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_gui
- Hungary, Hungarian, https://t1p.de/nac_hu ***
- Italy, Italian, https://t1p.de/nac_it *
- Japan, Japanese, https://t1p.de/nac_jp
- Lithuania, Lithuanian, https://t1p.de/nac_lit
- Moldova, Moldavian, https://t1p.de/nac_ro8
- Netherlands, Dutch, https://t1p.de/nac_nl
- Nigeria, English, French, https://t1p.de/nac_nig
- Northern and Eastern Germany, Germany, https://t1p.de/nac_neg
- Austria, German, https://t1p.de/nac_at *
- Portugal, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_pt
- DR Congo South-East , French, https://t1p.de/nac_cse
- DR Congo West , French, https://t1p.de/nac_drcw
- Romania, Romanian, http://t1p.de/nac_ro8
- Russia, Russian, https://t1p.de/nac_ru
- Switzerland, German, https://t1p.de/nac_ch_de **
- Switzerland, French, https://t1p.de/nac_ch_fr ****
- Switzerland, Italian, https://t1p.de/nac_it *
- South America, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_sam
- South America, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_sam_pt
- South East Asia, Bahasa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_seas
- Southern Africa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_saf
- Spain, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_spa *
- Ukraine, Ukrainian, https://t1p.de/nac_uk
- USA, English, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_usa
- Western Germany, German, https://t1p.de/nac_wg
- Western Pacific, English, https://t1p.de/nac_wp
- Zambia, English, https://t1p.de/nac_zam
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today.