The kingdom of God in three dimensions

The kingdom of God is not something that can only be found in the future. And seeking it means more than just attending the services. Following are excerpts from a sermon by the Chief Apostle that demonstrate the dimensions and ways we can access them.

It was the second divine service in Pointe-Noire, the capital of the Republic of Congo. Following a divine service for ministers—which was attended by nearly 500 ministers and their wives—on the previous day, more than 3,800 brothers and sisters gathered for a divine service with the Chief Apostle on Saturday, 30 April 2016. More than two thirds of the members had to sit outside.

“Every word that Jesus utters here is important,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said as he started to explain the Bible text: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6: 33).

Eternal fellowship with God

First of all, “kingdom of God” is a reference to eternal fellowship with God. Seeking it means actively preparing oneself for it. “Receiving the sacraments and coming to the divine services is only a start.” This does not guarantee salvation. Entering the kingdom of God is an act of grace that God grants those who make a sincere effort right until the end.

“Seek first”means we need to set priorities, and make salvation our number one priority, subjecting all other decisions to it. This does not mean that we can neglect our other responsibilities at home, at work, and in society. “If we take time for our soul and do our earthly work, God will give us all we need,” the Chief Apostle said to explain the phrase “all these things shall be added to you”.

The kingdom of God in our hearts

The kingdom of God is not something that is a distant, otherworldly future, but is found already here and now: “God has to rule in our hearts.” We have to examine our hearts closely and ask ourselves whether our decisions and reactions were in the mind and spirit of Jesus Christ. “Let us be honest with ourselves, and correct what needs to be corrected.”

Yet, as sinners we all need the grace of God, the Chief Apostle said to explain the word “righteousness” in the Bible text. The condition for grace is humbleness and the willingness to forgive. That does not mean that we have to deny our own personality, absolutely not. What is important, however, is that our first concern is always the will of God.

God’s presence in the church

Finally, the kingdom of God can also be found in the church of Christ. Seeking it in this connection means that we act in such a manner that the presence of the Lord becomes more and more visible in His church. “Where Jesus rules, love grows. Where Jesus rules, grace prevails. Where Jesus rules there is peace.”

The Chief Apostle said in conclusion: “Salvation is our priority. Let us make sure that it is God who rules in our hearts and that we always long for His grace. Let us make sure that the presence of Christ becomes more and more visible in the congregation, and let us support the Apostles in their work.”

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