This was the beginning of a faith dialogue with young people. But the opening question was a tough one, and the Chief Apostle simply switched roles during the interview.
Bolivia and Brazil were the stops on Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider’s trip to South America. He not only conducted a divine service in Santa Cruz in south-eastern Bolivia, but also met with young people in our church in the Sirari neighbourhood for a talk.
What are the “impossible things” that we can do with and like Jesus? That was the warm-up to the interview, a question which the Chief Apostle returned without further ado. He let the young people answer.
Chief Apostle: Ok, any ideas? I think you have thought about this. Tell me. What seems impossible for human beings? And what can become possible with Jesus?
Young sister: Flying?
Chief Apostle: OK, and do you think it is possible with Jesus? For me, it does not work. I have to take an aeroplane.
Young sister: Resurrection?
Chief Apostle: Yeah, for example, the resurrection. Good point. Absolutely. And many people think that is crazy: the person is dead, the body has perhaps been cremated, and then there is the resurrection? People say, “That is crazy.” Oh, but that is definitely possible. Good example. Something else?
Young sister: Love.
Chief Apostle: Absolutely. OK, you can do it without Jesus, but perfect love is only possible through the Holy Spirit. Because human love is always limited by conditions: you love someone because they are like you or because they are beautiful. But love, pure love, without any conditions or personal interest is only possible through the Holy Spirit. OK, so resurrection, love. Anything else?
Young sister: Forgiveness.
Chief Apostle: Absolutely, and that is something great. People spend their time explaining to us that it is impossible to forgive, “How can you forgive that? That is just not possible.” Jesus does not say, “Oh, it’s nothing, just forgive.” He says, “With My help and under the influence of the Holy Spirit you can forgive what seems impossible to forgive.”
Three great answers already! See, you can become a Chief Apostle. One last answer?
Young sister: Will!
Chief Apostle: Absolutely! Jesus had a very strong will and He did exactly what He wanted to do. He wanted to go to His Father, and they tried everything to prevent Him from doing so. And yet He did it. And if our will is in line with the will of Jesus Christ, we can do exactly what we want. And no spirit or person can prevent us from doing so.
And even if the whole world is against us, we can enter the kingdom of God. Impossible for human beings, possible with God.