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Global, multilingual, and independent of time and place: these are the features of our online divine services. The New Apostolic Church publicly broadcasts central divine services via IPTV, YouTube, and telephone.
Live-Streaming on Sunday, 30 April 2023
- Angola, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_ang
- Canada, English, French, https://t1p.de/nac_ca
- East Africa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_ea
- France, French, https://t1p.de/nac_fra
- Equatorial Guinea, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_gui
- Hungary, Hungarian, https://t1p.de/nac_hu ***
- Italy, Italian, https://t1p.de/nac_it *
- Japan, Japanese, https://t1p.de/nac_jp
- Lithuania, Lithuanian, https://t1p.de/nac_lit
- Moldova, Moldavian, https://t1p.de/nac_ro9
- Netherlands, Dutch, https://t1p.de/nac_nl
- Nigeria, English, French, https://t1p.de/nac_nig
- Northern and Eastern Germany, German, https://t1p.de/nac_neg
- Austria, German, https://t1p.de/nac_at *
- Portugal, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_pt
- DR Congo South-East, French, https://t1p.de/nac_cse
- DR Congo West, French, https://t1p.de/nac_drcw
- Romania, Romanian, http://t1p.de/nac_ro9
- Russia, Russian, https://t1p.de/nac_ru
- Switzerland, German, https://t1p.de/nac_ch_de **
- Switzerland, French, https://t1p.de/nac_ch_fr ****
- Switzerland, Italian, https://t1p.de/nac_it *
- South America, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_sam
- South America, Portuguese, https://t1p.de/nac_sam_pt
- South East Asia, Bahasa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_seas
- Southern Africa, English, https://t1p.de/nac_saf
- Spain, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_spa *
- Ukraine, Ukrainian, https://t1p.de/nac_uk
- USA, English, Spanish, https://t1p.de/nac_usa
- Western Germany, German, https://t1p.de/nac_wg
- Western Pacific, English, https://t1p.de/nac_wp
- Zambia, English, https://t1p.de/nac_zam
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today.