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Two prayers, one answer

04 03 2024

Author: Andreas Rother

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A trumpet player blowing his trumpet—a picture like any other. Nothing unusual, but there is a special story behind this photo. It is about two prayers to which God responded in a way that helped everyone involved. After all, prayer works!

Exaus Gabeya Mbiati was unhappy. The talented trumpeter from the Democratic Republic of the Congo wanted to take the trumpet he uses in his congregation in the DR Congo to Ghana. This was not possible though. His mother, Rita, was sad because she could not afford to buy him a new trumpet. But she did not give up hope.

Shepherd Kwapong, the rector of the congregation Osu in Ghana, was looking for musical instruments because the congregation wanted to start an orchestra. Some of the members purchased instruments for interested learners. A trumpet was also purchased, but no one seemed to take an interest in it.

And then there was this special divine service in Osu at the end of January with a baptism. And then there was the moment when the rector took out the orphaned trumpet and handed it to Exaus. Much to the amazement of his mother, Rita, who has been living in Osu for two years.

Rita had told Shepherd Kwapong her story. He knew straight away why the trumpet had no takers: it had been bought as an answer to a prayer in the Congo.

He handed the trumpet to Exaus, who still played it during the service. And the congregation was amazed. This is what the website of the New Apostolic Church Ghana reports.

04 03 2024

Author: Andreas Rother
