The New Apostolic Church has been streaming divine services for 117 weeks now. Thousands join these online services, constituting the world’s largest congregation.
Whether by postal cable as was the case at the very beginning, then satellite, or internet, the means of transmission were always unusual and constituted a small revolution. Before long, however, the Church and the members had become used to the fact that special divine services were sometimes celebrated with several hundred thousand believers—not in one church or one specific place, but in many churches at the same time and together.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the New Apostolic Church has been streaming divine services almost permanently in most countries. Services are streamed every Sunday and sometimes also during the week. This is to ensure that all members can join a divine service—even when churches have to remain closed on account of official regulations or people cannot attend in-person services for health reasons.
Alone or in twos or threes… This is how many people experience divine services online at home right now, while being in the midst of the largest congregation that has ever gathered for divine service.
Live streams on Sunday, 12 June 2022
- Angola, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_ang
- Berlin-Brandenburg, German, https://bit.ly/nac_bbrb-reg
- Canada, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ca
- East Africa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_ea
- France, French, https://bit.ly/nac_fra
- Equatorial Guinea , Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_gui
- Hungary, Hungarian, https://bit.ly/nac_hu ***
- Italy, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- Japan, Japanese, https://bit.ly/nac_jp
- Lithuania, Lithuanian, https://bit.ly/nac_lit
- Moldova, Moldavian, https://bit.ly/nac_ro67
- Nederland, Dutch, https://bit.ly/nac_nl
- Nigeria, English, French, https://bit.ly/nac_nig
- Northern and Eastern Germany, German, https://bit.ly/nac_neg
- Austria, German, https://bit.ly/nac_at *
- Portugal, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_pt
- DR Congo South-East, French, https://bit.ly/nac_cse
- DR Congo West, French, https://bit.ly/nac_drcw
- Romania, Romanian, http://bit.ly/nac_ro67
- Russia, Russian, https://bit.ly/nac_ru
- Switzerland, German, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_de **
- Switzerland, French, https://bit.ly/nac_ch_fr ****
- Switzerland, Italian, https://bit.ly/nac_it *
- South America, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_sam
- South America, Portuguese, https://bit.ly/nac_sam_pt
- South-East Asia, Bahasa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_seas
- Southern Africa, English, https://bit.ly/nac_saf4
- Spain, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_spa *
- Ukraine, Ukrainian, https://bit.ly/nac_uk
- USA, English, Spanish, https://bit.ly/nac_usa
- Western Germany, German, https://bit.ly/nac_wg
- Western Pacific, English, https://bit.ly/nac_wp2
- Zambia, English, https://bit.ly/nac_zam
Digital library of the New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church International has an extensive digital library with clips from divine services by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider and musical events from recent years on https://nac.today, as well as on its English, Spanish, French, and German YouTube channels.
- New Apostolic Church International, English, https://bit.ly/naci_en
- Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Internacional, Español, https://bit.ly/naci_es
- Eglise néo-apostolique Internationale, Français, https://bit.ly/naci_fr
- Neuapostolische Kirche International, Deutsch, https://bit.ly/naci_de