The story of the coat

Sharing with others is quite simple, isn’t it? Well, theoretically anyway. And in real life? The answer is a story from Africa. More

A big bouquet of gratitude

With words full of appreciation and gratitude, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider bid farewell to District Apostle Rainer Storck from Western Germany who was retiring. Here is the video clip of the solemn act. More

Delighting in the Bible with all senses

Brothers and sisters from South Africa, Namibia, and Germany set off on exciting journeys to learn more about the Bible. One journey was about praying, another one about a competition, and two were about wine. More

“We love because we believe in love”

They both believed and loved, and yet they were very different. The Chief Apostle presented two disciples as role models in a divine service for ministers. But what he said applies to all of us. More

Addiction: the gateway to beating it

“Coming clean” is the name of a programme of the New Apostolic Church Southern Africa to assist those struggling with addiction. Today, 26 June, is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. More

Displaced by drought

According to estimates by the UN Refugee Agency, around thirty million people are being forcibly displaced as a result of extreme weather-related events and natural disasters. The biggest impact of climate change is experienced by the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on the help of others. Elijah was a climate refugee when he stood with nothing in front of someone who also had close to nothing. More

The joy of diversity at home and abroad

In his former working area, the members speak three languages; in his new one they speak as many as eleven. Thomas Deubel, the designated District Apostle for Switzerland, knows how to build bridges across the cultures and is looking forward to more. Here is an interview with District Apostle Helper Thomas Deubel from Switzerland. More

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