A special way to say thank you

Many brothers and sisters around the world traditionally said a special thank you at the beginning of October. In many countries it was Thanksgiving. Whether watermelons, carrots, or family photos, the altars were a picture of gratitude. More

No pain, no gain

Only those who really put their mind to it will win a race. And only those who really want to be saved will find salvation through Jesus Christ. As in the field of sports, there are rules to be followed on the way to salvation. The Chief Apostle examined this in a recent divine service. More

nac.today 2.0 is in the making

Behind the scenes at nac.today there is a lot of clanking and clattering going on: the site is under construction. The international news portal of the New Apostolic Church is working on its relaunch. Here is a peek behind the construction fence. More

When tiny feet leave deep scars

The intense pain that some parents carry so deeply within them is often invisible. ‌Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day is observed on 15 October—an opportunity to stand silently alongside the bereaved, whether we know them or not. More

Apostle ministry: the vacancy

What was it like back then when there were no living Apostles? Even then, the church was still apostolic. In what manner? This is explained in part four of the panel discussion at the 2019 International Youth Convention. More

When young people come together to celebrate

Walking through the streets to make people aware of our church, playing games, or pestering the Apostle with questions—the activities offered at youth events vary. But there is one thing that is common to all of them: the young people all attend a divine service together. More

Five aspects of the beyond

What is life like after death? Is redemption still possible at all? Answers from the perspective of the New Apostolic faith are provided in a recently published essay. We have summarised the most important points in five statements. More

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