In the picture (1): Testifying with the camera

To share means to communicate. Photos do not just preserve memories. They can also picture and testify of faith. But, please, no cameras in divine services! But why not? Maybe we should have them, but then with the corresponding know-how. Here is the first article of a series. More

Commemorative day with a special twist

The 14th of July is something of an apostolic holy day. But its history contains some surprises. And as it commemorates the event this year, the New Apostolic Church takes a rather special perspective. More

The Father’s house is our delight!

Building, renovating, rebuilding: although you don’t necessarily need a roof over your head to have faith, it is still a good reason to celebrate when your congregation gets to move into a church building of its own. Following is a look at congregations on the build around the globe. More

Using ordinary words to describe the extraordinary

He really did have a preaching style all His own: Jesus Christ. He was able to impart the deepest truths using the simplest, shortest everyday stories. However, most people were missing one key ingredient for understanding the mystery and message behind the parables. More

How His will can be done

The Lord’s Prayer contains so many thoughts that there is not enough time to cover them all in a single divine service. The Chief Apostle gave some tips for faith in daily life in a divine service in Angola, and in so doing shed some new light on a well-known part of the service. More

Changes among the Apostles (1/2024)

Ordinations, retirements, and one appointment: these were the ministerial acts that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider performed in the circle of the Apostles over the past half-year. In some cases, his District Apostles also supported him in enacting these staffing changes to the apostolate. More

Hope for a happy ending

Does your faith in Jesus have a future? This is the question a recently published doctrinal essay asks. It covers subjects such as trust, trials, and signs, but above all the return of Christ. More

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