In order to get a better picture of the international motto for the year—“Joy in Christ”—the New Apostolic Church of South East Africa developed a logo, just as other District Churches have also done. But this insignia has a special additional message. District Apostle Mandla Patrick Mkhwanazi explains:
This was also done in view of the District Apostle’s Meeting that will be held in Johannesburg in October this year. The logo will feature as a design element on all printed matter used for this very special event that will focus upon our “Joy in Christ”.
In addition, three core principles, derived from the letters of the word “joy”, were explained in support of the logo. These principles are as follows: J = Jesus, O = Others, and Y = Yield.
These core principles, in various ways, help us to realize and feel this joy.
In a New Year’s Day letter read out in all our congregations in our district it was explained that these core principles to be adopted are as follows:
- Jesus is to occupy the centre of our heart and influence our behaviour and good conduct.
- We are to reflect an improved attitude in our serving to others in the following manner: “… let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others” (Philippians 2: 3–4).
- Yield refers to experiencing an abundant harvest and having a better quality of life by doing the above.
This is a very simple, but powerful recipe, and it builds on the main points that the Chief Apostle shared in the New Year’s Day service: namely, our joy over salvation, joy in fellowship, joy in serving, and joy in daily life.
It is also our special mission this year to foster the joy in Christ amongst our Sunday school children. We want to make our faith more entertaining and applicable for them. Recently, I conducted a Sunday school service where the theme was introduced and explained to them (see attached photo). Similar services will be conducted by all our Apostles and Bishops to take the message further among our children.