“Even in the darkest of times, you can always be sure that our God is at your side.” This certainty is something that the congregations of Venezuela would like to share with their brethren in faith all around the world—here are some glimpses into their circumstances of life.
District Apostle Enrique Minio from Argentina recently made a visit to Venezuela and covered over 2,650 kilometres there in order to celebrate five divine services with a combined total of nearly 2,800 participants. Venezuela is actually part of the working area of District Apostle John Schnabel from the USA. Owing to political tensions, however, it has become nearly impossible for North Americans to obtain a travel visa to enter the country. For this reason, the neighbouring District Apostle has stepped into the breach to help his colleague.
The local Apostle César Benito Barrera Báez reports on how our brothers and sisters in Venezuela are faring at present.
Can you describe the current living conditions of the congregations in Venezuela?
Venezuela is ranked 120th out of 190 countries on the Human Development Index. This is a reality that our members cannot escape, and it means that many of them are living in harsh conditions.
How has the economic situation impacted the daily lives of our Church members?
The shortages and needs faced today, combined with a lack of stable jobs to cover basic necessities like health and food, are making the situation more and more severe in our congregations. The most seriously impacted are our children and the elderly.
How has faith helped the congregations in Venezuela as they face said challenges?
In spiritual terms, these challenges have caused our members to develop a deep faith. Naturally, our faith is focused on the return of the Lord and our role in it. However, there is no doubt that God also provides support in our daily struggles. Whenever we have prayed for His help, we have experienced His providence on numerous occasions, and this has allowed us to keep moving forward. While the situation may not be fully resolved, we receive the temporary support we need in order to go on.
What role does the Church play in supporting the congregations during these difficult times?
We can say that the greatest support comes from pastoral care. The presence of the ministers during these difficult circumstances has been a great blessing. The divine service experience provides a space of peace amid the turmoil caused by struggles.
Can you share any experience or story that highlights the resilience and faith of our Church members?
Our most recent experience was the visit of our dear District Apostle Enrique Minio to our country, during which 80% of the members in Venezuela travelled from various locations to attend the scheduled divine services, regardless of distance or cost. In the conversations leading up to the visit, we discussed the difficult circumstances mentioned earlier, but there was always the same beautiful expression from our members: “No matter what happens, I will go. Pray for me.” The feelings experienced during that time are still felt deeply in our hearts.
How do the Church members maintain hope and faith in such challenging circumstances?
I believe that our members understand that our eternal future transcends earthly adversities. We cannot deny that there are times when spirits falter and moments of uncertainty and despair arise. However, the goal that awaits us—and the efforts we must make in order to reach it—give us new strength.
What are the main challenges the Church faces in its missionary efforts in the current context of Venezuela?
Well, one of the most frequent difficulties is transportation, as fuel is scarce in many areas of the country, which makes travel difficult. Additionally, due to the reasons mentioned earlier, ministers often take on extra jobs to generate income to meet their needs, which limits the time they have available for missionary efforts.
Are there specific ways the international community can support or pray for the Church in Venezuela?
We have always felt great international support from our leaders and fellow members, and we are deeply grateful for it. We have experienced that our circumstances and sufferings also affect and concern them, and that they are able to feel with us. We are assured that we are never out of their prayers, and this ongoing support has strengthened us through every moment of difficulty.
What message would the Church members in Venezuela like to convey to believers around the world?
No matter the circumstances, be assured that you are not alone. God has worked, is working, and will always work for our benefit. Even in the darkest of times, be assured that our God is right by our side. This is a great source of comfort.
Psalm 94: 9,14 (NKJV): “He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see? For the Lord will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance.”