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A celebration of faith in Kenya
Zurich/Nairobi. The international leader of the New Apostolic Church, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider spent the last weekend of June in Kenya. This was the first time that he had ever come to the country as Chief Apostle. Hundreds of thousands of members had long been looking forward to this visit.
09 07 2014

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The starting beat to a celebration of faith
Munich/Zurich. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider officially opened the International Church Convention (ICC) in Munich as a celebration of joyful fellowship with a prayer that all might experience the presence of God. Tens of thousands of visitors in the Olympia Stadium witnessed the starting beat to this large premiere for the New Apostolic Church.
09 06 2014

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New Finance Committee begins its work
Zurich. The first District Apostle Meeting of this year initiated several projects. Among others, the District Apostles resolved to create a new Finance Committee (we reported). It is to aid in bringing about greater transparency for the financial resources expended by the Church in order that the responsibilities for significant operations in the Church can be governed in accordance with the best available knowledge and practices.
08 04 2014
Chief Apostle

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Memorial service for retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr
Zurich. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider called his predecessor in ministry a “wise man with great vision”. The majority of New Apostolic District Church leaders from around the world attended the memorial service for the highly respected and popular Chief Apostle, who had directed the affairs of the New Apostolic Church over the seventeen years from 1988 to 2005. It was in gratitude and sadness that they gathered in the Zurich-Hottingen church to take leave of Richard Fehr, who passed away on 30 June 2013, shortly before his 74th birthday.
19 07 2013

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Obituary for Chief Apostle Richard Fehr
Zurich. It is with great sadness that New Apostolic Christians around the world have learned of the passing of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who had served in ministry for many years. Expressions of sympathy have begun to arrive from all parts of the globe. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider describes his predecessor in ministry as a man of great wisdom and vision. “He always had a feel for the global Church and promoted its internationality. His time in office always stood—and still stands—for openness and tolerance.”
02 07 2013

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Chief Apostle Richard Fehr has passed away
Zurich. In the early evening hours of this Sunday, 30 June 2013, retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr passed into the beyond. He is survived by his wife Sonja and his family. In his official notice to the District Apostles, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider informed them that his predecessor in the Chief Apostle ministry closed his eyes peacefully at around 5:00 PM. In mid-July he would have been 74 years of age.
01 07 2013

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The name of the new Chief Apostle of the New Apostolic Church is Jean-Luc Schneider
Hamburg/Zurich. As of this Pentecost Sunday 2013, the New Apostolic Church has a new spiritual leader: Jean-Luc Schneider is the new Chief Apostle and successor in ministry to Wilhelm Leber, who retired from ministry on this occasion. It was a special highlight when the new Chief Apostle discharged the previous Chief Apostle from his ministry with the words: “In our hearts you will remain our Chief Apostle!”
20 05 2013

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Pentecost 2013: A new Chief Apostle for the New Apostolic Church
Zurich. There are only about four more weeks to go before Pentecost, when a new Chief Apostle will be ordained for the New Apostolic Church. The current international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, will retire at the age of 65 and will be succeeded in ministry by a French national, namely Jean-Luc Schneider (53). The preparations for this change have already been made, and all Church members around the world are aware that it is coming.
19 04 2013

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First copy of the Catechism presented to the Chief Apostle
Zurich/Herzliya. The first print of the New Apostolic Catechism is in the hands of Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber: the international Church leader was only too happy to pick up a copy of the extensive work. This brings a year of intensive work to a close, as at least the German-language version of the Catechism is to be published by mid-December. The work is also scheduled for publication in a number of other languages in January of next year.
13 10 2012
Acts of blessing Chief Apostle

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New Statutes of the New Apostolic Church unanimously approved
Zurich. The International Apostle Meeting on 21 May 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa unanimously ratified a revision to the Statutes (Articles of Association) of the New Apostolic Church International, or NACI for short. In addition to many smaller changes, a so-called Delegates’ Meeting was introduced in order to reduce the costs of these gatherings. In the meantime the revised statutes have been registered with the Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.
26 10 2010

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“Felix Austria”: lucky Austria makes music
The stalls, the boxes, the lower and upper galleries … the Vienna Concert Hall was filled to the last seat. “We invite you to have an encounter with Jesus through music,” Franz Jochum, the musical director and conductor, said to the audience at the beginning of the concert.
03 06 2017
Pentecost Congregation

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