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community 2/2021: Our future with God

01 04 2021

Author: Oliver Rütten

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The end of human life, hope in the return of Jesus, and fellowship with God: the latest issue of community has lots to offer on the Christian future.

Spiritually hale and hearty

Health, happiness, and stability are desired by many people. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider draws a parallel which concerns the spiritual plane and thus has an immediate positive effect on our natural lives.

“Jesus loves me! He proved His love: He died for you and me. Jesus is the greatest! He has all the power and authority: He conquered sin, death, and hell. Jesus come back! He will return soon for our salvation, for our redemption.” This is how the Chief Apostle summarises three aspects that are important for spiritual stability and which at the same time form the basis of Christian faith.

Mastering our future, but with whom?

Hopefully we have not forgotten it yet, although it has been three months: the 2021 motto.
looks back at the divine service which Chief Apostle Schneider held at the beginning of the year in Winterthur in Switzerland.

“Our goal is to be with Christ. In order to reach this goal, we draw our strength and motivation from Christ. The future that we have chosen defines our daily lives.”

Our eyes are on the new creation

Being a Christian is not a walk in the park. That things can be get quite turbulent on our way to obtaining fellowship with God is proven by many life stories. Believers are aware of the evil that feeds doubts, negates divine promises, and points a finger at the sinfulness of our neighbour. How we can cope with this is the subject of a sermon on the second letter to Timothy, which the Chief Apostle used in a service in Dundo in Angola. This issue features core thoughts from this divine service and provides some very practical tips.

Organ donation and euthanasia and what the Church has to say about this

Contraception and organ transplants, the wish for a child or even euthanasia… The question of life and death is something that affects everyone directly and very personally. To give New Apostolic Christians orientation and help them make a responsible ­decision, an official essay entitled “The Beginning and End of Human Life” examines the matter from the point of view of the New Apostolic faith.

The latest issue of community features the second part of the discourse “The Beginning and End of Human Life”. It not only throws light on the New Apostolic perspective, but also on medical and legal considerations, as well as the general Christian view.

News from congregations around the world, a Bible story for children, and an update on the media offered by the New Apostolic Church round off the 32-page quarterly magazine. All issues can be viewed and downloaded free of charge at

Photo: freshidea –

01 04 2021

Author: Oliver Rütten
