community 3/2023: Discovering a whole world between the lines

A world trip without an airplane? You don’t even have to leave home for it. Let the new issue of community show you around. Following in the footsteps of the Chief Apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine service, wherever they choose to read the magazine.
From Togo to Austria and back—this statement in one of the articles might cause a bit of confusion. Laura Fischer—the young woman that this article is about—is from Germany and flew from there to Togo to establish a farm, right? Yes, but then she found a job in Austria which helps her to finance the farm in Togo, and now she travels back and forth between Togo and Austria. In between all of this she also worked in Burkina Faso and Benin, making it even more complicated for translators and readers alike. But the article is worth reading anyway because it shows how the globetrotting young woman lives and works.
Something for everyone
The portrait of Laura Fischer is not the only fascinating article the new issue has to offer. The long awaited third part on the ordination of women, taken from the special issue of the Divine Service Guide 03/2022, can finally be read in community. Readers will also learn how Malawi struggled to recover from the cyclone that struck at the beginning of the year and how the local New Apostolic Church has tried to alleviate the suffering. But there is also good news.
On 32 pages, community once again looks at the life and activities of our brothers and sisters around the world: there is news on congregational life, reports on divine services conducted by the Chief Apostle, and an article on a doctrinal subject—something for everyone.
This time readers can join the Chief Apostle on his travels to Nairobi in Kenya, Wiesbaden in Germany, Sydney in Australia, and New York in the USA without having to leave their comfy reading chair. Unless the stories from the section Global News inspire readers to make a difference themselves.
A special section for the children
This issue too has its own children’s section: four pages especially designed for our young members. On a double spread and in a child-friendly way, the children are introduced to the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, who spread His message among her people. On the next two pages, seven-year-old Rozel from Portugal talks about her country, her faith, and her congregation.
Worldwide cooperation
In order for the magazine to be published, numerous Regional Churches all over the world work hand in hand. The New Apostolic Church International only produces the English, French, and Spanish editions. All other languages are translated by the District Apostle Areas on their own initiative. Four times a year, editors, graphic designers, translators, proofreaders and many more work on a magazine that is aimed to reach as many Church members as possible. The magazine is available as a printed version for those who have limited access to the internet and as an online version for self-downloading.
The Regional Church of India has also come up with a good idea to attract readers to the magazine: screenshots will be posted on the official Facebook page of the Regional Church to stimulate interest in the respective articles. Those whose curiosity has been piqued will be taken directly to the PDF by clicking on a link, where they can read not only the whole story but the whole magazine.
Photo: Oliver Rütten