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community is online: issue 2018/01

02 01 2018

Author: Oliver Rütten

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Not all New Apostolic Christians have access to the Internet. But even those who do not will receive the Chief Apostle’s New Year message, which he proclaimed yesterday. And not only in divine service.

Even if the Internet has many advantages—news can be retrieved quickly and, for the most part, at no charge—it cannot be the only means of communication for a Church that is active on an international scale. Especially considering that only about 15 per cent of the members of the Church actually have access to the Internet—partly on mobile devices with their small-screen layout or in Internet cafés. This requires a communication strategy by the Church that not only incorporates dozens of languages and cultures, but also online and print media. In addition to magazines and books, the Church uses websites, apps, radio broadcasts, television channels, and social media to communicate.

Communication is a top priority

“Communication is vital and must also play a corresponding role in our organisation. It supports coordination and global exchange. In this way we can promote the unity of doctrine and become better acquainted with different cultures, for example,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said in an interview with, making it clear how important our doctrine and its precepts are for him, but also the growing closer together of our brothers and sisters by understanding each others’ cultures. “It is a way to promote the unity of the doctrine and to create an awareness of the various cultures.”

“Faithful to Christ”, online and offline

The new motto for 2018, “Faithful to Christ”, was issued by the Chief Apostle yesterday in his annual video message. It is featured on various websites and also on YouTube. The motto will also be published in upcoming issues of African Joy and the German-language magazine Unsere Familie, and of course in this year’s first issue of community, which went online today.

Featured in the newest issue is a detailed report on the Chief Apostle’s visit to Chicago (USA) in the past year, three reports of divine services the Chief Apostle celebrated in Africa, Europe, and Australia, and articles giving an indepth look at aspects of our doctrine. In addition to this, there is a Bible story and an article for children, as well as informative articles from congregations and districts around the world.

A combined effort

community is published by the New Apostolic Church in three languages, namely English, French, and Spanish. Translation into further languages is coordinated regionally by the seventeen respective District Churches. Approximately eight weeks pass between the editorial deadline and the publication of the magazine. In this time, editors write articles, graphic artists design the layout, and translators adapt the articles into their languages. After all is said and done, all the pages of a particular issue are reviewed and proofread. The various language editions of the current edition of the magazine are ready for download on starting today, and will be distributed in their printed form in many countries across the world over the next few days.

02 01 2018

Author: Oliver Rütten
