Condemning my neighbour because he is different? In his most recent letter to the congregations, Chief Apostle Schneider says, “No!” and explains how Christians should react instead.
In his foreword to the new issue of community, the Church leader notes, “For as long as human beings are inclined to compare themselves with others, they will always emphasise their differences: skin colour, social status, nationality, abilities, possessions. And for this comparison, one’s own position is often the preferred standard: whatever is dissimilar is recognised as difference, regarded with distrust, critically evaluated, and in some cases even condemned.” And Chief Apostle Schneider appeals to the Church’s members as follows: “God Himself does not make such distinctions. He loves those who are just like us, but He also loves those who are completely different from us. Let us not stand in the way of this love. All are to feel the love of God in the same way.”
Courage for a Christian life
Professing our faith—this can become a challenge to our very survival. Such has been the experience of Mannki Nag. In the interview, the 27-year-old Indian woman provides us with a candid look into her daily life, which alternates between a struggle for existence and joy of faith. And she goes on to tell us about her greatest dream: “I wish my family were able to understand what I feel. I long for the day when all the inhabitants of my village learn about Jesus Christ and the New Apostolic doctrine—and when we can get a church building of our own.”
Communication is important for the Church
Concerning the member magazine, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said, “In our time, communication is vital, and must also play a corresponding role in our Church. It serves the purposes of coordination and global exchange. This is how we can promote the uniformity of the gospel and help the various cultures to become better acquainted with one another, for example.”
A magazine for all age groups
At 32 pages filled with content and published once each quarter, community is the member magazine of the New Apostolic Church. It contains core thoughts from divine services by the Chief Apostle, reports on life in various congregations from all around the world, information on the activities of the Church’s aid organisations, elements of our doctrine, and Bible stories for children.
Collaboration across national boundaries
The magazine is produced in English, French, and Spanish under the direction of the Communications Service Provider Group of the New Apostolic Church International. Translations into other languages are coordinated by the sixteen District Apostle districts around the world under their own direction. It takes about eight weeks from the editorial deadline to the magazine’s publication. During this time, editors write articles, graphic designers create the layout, and translators render the contents into some 40 languages.