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community is online: issue 2019/02

01 04 2019

Author: Oliver Rütten

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Whether our concept of ministry, biblical knowledge, interesting people, humanitarian activities, or divine services of the Chief Apostle, community has it all, plus impressions from around the world.

community is published on a quarterly basis by the New Apostolic Church. As in every issue, this issue too carries an editorial from Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. He addresses his brothers and sisters and calls on them to not forget God’s promise. “It is up to us to keep this promise and pass it on to our children and to our neighbour: ‘Trust in God, He will bless you!’ … It is my heartfelt wish that we pass His promise on to future generations.”

Multilingual and free of charge

community is translated into more than three dozen languages. In addition to English, French, and Spanish there are also Chinese, Arabic, and Indonesian editions, to name only a few. As the various editions become available, they are posted for download. Whether older or newer issues, they can be retrieved at any time from the community archive on All issues are permanently available there.

Digital and print versions

The magazine comes as a digital edition in PDF format. The entire issue can be read on the computer and on mobile devices. Many countries also print the magazine and distribute it to the members so that those who do not have access to the Internet are also kept abreast of the developments in the Church.

International and local news

community is published by the New Apostolic Church International. Featured are articles on doctrinal aspects, such as updates on our concept of ministry, divine services by Chief Apostle Schneider, Bible stories for children, and information from around the world. In many countries, local editors add regional content.

Reading habits and readers

“The communication landscape is rugged. With the different kinds of media, different reading habits, and a wide range of target groups the only way the Church can reach as many members as possible is with a media network.” This is how the Communication Services of the New Apostolic Church see their role. At the beginning of 2015 the Church restructured its communication concept. In addition to several websites and web portals, the Church also runs social media networks and apps, and publishes the member magazine community.

01 04 2019

Author: Oliver Rütten
