Week after week, believers around the world gather for divine services in their congregations—a joy they all share. However, their living conditions could not be more different. The new issue of community takes a look at the diversity of our congregations and features special divine services.
The Chief Apostle thanks the congregations
“The congregation is alive and active” is the title of the Chief Apostle’s editorial in this issue of the magazine. In the letter to his fellow believers he looks back at the International Youth Convention and the Pentecost festivities—two great events in the past weeks, which generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm and which, the Chief Apostle hopes, will also be felt in the congregations.
He takes the opportunity to once again refer to our new concept of ministry, which came into effect on Pentecost 2019. His personal conclusion: “The duties performed by the ministers, as important as they may be, are only some of the many services and duties that are performed in the congregations. As the spokesman for all the Apostles, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our brothers and sisters who engage themselves in the congregations and support our work, not least of all through their offerings. We thank you with all our hearts! May God bless you richly for this!”
The Chief Apostle preaches about the crown of life
At the end of 2018 Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in Manila in the Philippines. Some 500 members had gathered for this service, which was also streamed live on the Internet. “Whatever you do, do it out of love for the Lord and out of love for your neighbour,” Chief Apostle Schneider counselled the believers. In this service District Apostle Urs Hebeisen went into retirement and Edy Isnugroho was appointed as his successor. This issue features the Chief Apostle’s sermon in full length.
There are additional reports on the Chief Apostle’s travels to Europe, North America, and Africa. The articles “Some truths from a reliable source”, “Jesus offers eternal life”, and “Filled with the gospel” report on special divine services in these countries.
Meet Mariangel, Christoph Baumgärtner, and Alvin Witten
The children’s section in this issue features a story about Mariangel from Costa Rica in the Caribbean. She lives with her grandparents Lena and Oscar Adolfo.
Christoph Baumgärtner has been in a wheelchair all his life, yet he radiates joy and gratitude. He gives the readers a glimpse of his day-to-day life.
Alvin Witten is a Bishop in South Africa. He reports about the relief aid and the rebuilding efforts following the devastation left by Cyclone Idai in Mozambique in March.
The member magazine of the New Apostolic Church
community is distributed by the Church as a print product especially in regions where there is no Internet access or where access is limited. community can also be read online in our nac.today archive. community is published every three months in numerous languages. The articles are translated by brothers and sisters all over the world. Some districts publish regional issues which feature additional news and articles—they can also be found in the archives of nac.today.
community is a magazine for members of the Church, but also for friends of the New Apostolic Church or anyone who would like to know more about us.