Why faith in Christ is the key to overcoming fears and finding inner peace – a message full of comfort and hope.
On Sunday, 13 October 2024, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in San Francisco (USA). The sermon was based on the Bible text from John 14: 1: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” The divine service was webcasted to numerous churches in the USA and Canada.

Hope in difficult times
The Chief Apostle began by recalling the situation of the disciples at that time. Jesus had told them that He would soon suffer and die, that Judas would betray Him, and even that Peter would deny Him. This news shook the disciples to the core. But Jesus encouraged them: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”
The Chief Apostle explained that it was not enough for the disciples to believe in the God of Jewish tradition. Rather, they were to believe in the God whom Jesus had revealed: “Believe in God, but not in the traditional way. Believe in God as I have described Him, as I have revealed His true nature.” This God is not just a God who has given the law or the commandments, but a God of love, forgiveness, and mercy.
Belief in today’s world
This message is also relevant today, the Chief Apostle said. People often ask themselves why God allows them to suffer. However, it is important not to fall into the old thinking that God’s love automatically means a carefree life. “The love of God does not mean that you don’t suffer, that everything is okay. Jesus Christ was the beloved Son of God and He had to suffer. The love of God helped Him to overcome the situation, to remain faithful, and to have eternal life.”
The Chief Apostle called on the believers to have confidence in God’s love in such moments and not to doubt in His plan. “Don’t be troubled. Don’t be confused.” Believe in God and believe in Christ.” God’s love is unconditional, regardless of whether people change or not. This is a central component of the Christian faith: “God loves humankind unconditionally. And He wants us to love all human beings in the same manner.”

Gratitude in action
Another focus of the sermon was gratitude towards God. This should not only be expressed in words or through offerings, but above all through works. “The best way to thank God and express our gratitude is to use His gifts to do good and prepare ourselves for the return of Christ.”
This applies to both material and spiritual gifts. The Chief Apostle urged that we use these gifts for the benefit of our fellow human beings in order to spread God’s love in the world.
Jesus Christ: the core of our faith
The Chief Apostle emphasised that faith in Jesus Christ and His example must be at the heart of the Christian way of life. He said that many people today long for a church that is stricter and more authoritative. They believe that rules and punishment can make better people of us. But Jesus conveyed a different message: “Jesus Christ tells us that we cannot be saved by playing by the rules. That doesn’t work. We can only be saved by being reborn out of water and the Spirit and by becoming like Christ. We must change.”
Faith does not mean judging others or forcing them to follow rules. Rather, it is the task of believers to follow Christ and bear witness to Him in the way they live their lives. “We must change and become like Christ and follow the path indicated by Jesus Christ: His gospel, His Apostles, His sacraments. That is the way to salvation, to eternal life.”
In conclusion, the Chief Apostle pointed out that Jesus is with us in all of life’s challenges. “He has called you, He has chosen you, and He promises you: I will never leave you. I want you to be with Me in eternity. And as long as you are determined to follow Me, I will help you to follow Me. You yourself will never become perfect, but I will make you perfect. All I ask is that you remain faithful, humble, and loving.”
With this encouraging message the Chief Apostle invited the people to open their hearts to the love of God, to love their neighbour, and to trust in Christ.
(Photos: NAC USA)