Brothers and sisters from South Africa, Namibia, and Germany set off on exciting journeys to learn more about the Bible. One journey was about praying, another one about a competition, and two were about wine.
Young people from the congregation in Koblenz, Germany, found Bible verses to go with fine wines. The congregation hosted a special wine tasting on 19 April as part of an ecumenical event called Night of Open Churches, in which all churches in the city opened their doors that evening to welcome visitors and introduce them to the Church. The young people of the New Apostolic Church had selected a suitable red wine and a non-alcoholic alternative for each of three Bible verses, which the visitors tasted in groups while talking about the Bible verses. A fruity cherry and red currant wine, for example, went well with Luke 6: 43–45 from the New Living Translation of the Bible. “A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. A tree is identified by its fruit. Figs are never gathered from thornbushes, and grapes are not picked from bramble bushes. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Those who wanted could then enjoy the company of other visitors over more beverages.
“Prayer works” and what the Bible says about it
The young people and ministers of Gelvandale district in South Africa met for a Bible study session on 6 May to take a closer look at our annual motto for 2024. The meeting was opened in prayer by Apostle Gerome Mintoor. This was followed by a lively and interactive discussion about who we pray for, when we pray, where we pray, how we pray, and what we pray for. After the meeting, the young people enjoyed fellowship and general conversations with ministers and youth leaders.
With Noah and Jesus in the vineyards
The seniors of Schwäbish Gmünd in Germany walked along a biblical wine trail and passed Noah planting a vineyard and then walked to the wedding in Cana, where Jesus had turned water into wine. On 23 April, God answered the prayers of the brothers and sisters and finally sent sunshine so that the seniors’ group could hike along the biblical wine trail in the vineyards around Beutelsbach, which was designed by the Protestant parish. There was the opportunity to hike different trails, depending on your fitness level, and those who only wanted to come for a joined meal were warmly welcomed at the inn in the evening.
Who knows the Bible best?
The young people of the Zambezi apostle district met in Malindi in Namibia on Sunday, 13 April. The aim was to kick-start their plans for an even larger youth event to be held further west in the country, in Rundu, in August. This event was well attended and greatly supported. The young people celebrated the joy of being together already at this meeting. The event was really well attended and there were activities too such as sports, a Bible quiz, and a talent show.