
The story of the coat

Sharing with others is quite simple, isn’t it? Well, theoretically anyway. And in real life? The answer is a story from Africa. More

“We love because we believe in love”

They both believed and loved, and yet they were very different. The Chief Apostle presented two disciples as role models in a divine service for ministers. But what he said applies to all of us. More

Displaced by drought

According to estimates by the UN Refugee Agency, around thirty million people are being forcibly displaced as a result of extreme weather-related events and natural disasters. The biggest impact of climate change is experienced by the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on the help of others. Elijah was a climate refugee when he stood with nothing in front of someone who also had close to nothing. More

Lasting joy in our hearts

In a divine service recently, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said that we always have a reason to rejoice. This is because God loves His children as He loves Jesus. He explained how this manifests itself and how we can share in this joy. More

In the end it was the miracle that laughed

Believing in the divine promise became increasingly difficult for this woman: its fulfilment was taking far too long and time was running out. The miracle that God gave her was all the greater. More

Flashback (4): Try again

What has defined our decisions in recent days, months, and years? There is a moment in divine service when God asks this question and makes an offer. Here is the conclusion of this year’s Pentecost flashback. More

Spotlight 12/2024: Effective and fervent

As District Apostle of the huge working area of South-East Asia, Edy Isnugroho has experienced a lot. In his article on our annual motto, he relates personal experiences to explain how intensive prayers work. More

Spreading the word

Jesus invited Thomas to touch His wounds. Others were not allowed to touch the risen Lord. Some recognised the Lord immediately, while others only realised who He was after He had said or done something specific. The Chief Apostle explained the discrepancies in the account of the resurrection. More

Apostolic in two ways

What is an Apostle? What is apostolic? And why is this important for all Christian churches? This is a question raised by a feast celebrated by Anglicans, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants on 11 June, the Feast of Barnabas. More

Flashback (3): The eternal solution

Many preach the prosperity gospel. If you want to be healthy, happy, and rich on earth all you must do is believe in Jesus. But true salvation is eternal life, District Apostle Edy Isnugroho emphasised on Pentecost 2024 in Lucerne (Switzerland). More

Praying in Jesus’ name

In the last hours before His death, Jesus repeatedly sought a connection to His Father. ‌In his sermon on Good Friday, the Chief Apostle explained what these prayers entailed and how we should use them as a guide to give direction to our lives today. More

Flashback (2): The gospel as a filter

Every day, people make decisions using the faculties of conscience and reason. And those who consciously focus on the things that really matter in life have installed an additional filter. District Apostle Enrique Minio explained this in the 2024 Pentecost service. More

Serving God in divine service

Four different ways to serve God—that is what the divine services on the first four Sundays of June are all about. And the fifth holy day of the month has to do with the service that God performs for some very specific people. More

Preparing for the big day

Celebrating love: that is what the Chief Apostle did with the members in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He made use of the image of engaged couples and weddings to talk about the great marriage feast in heaven. More

Spotlight 11/2024: Silence is also an answer

Prayer works! Not every plea is granted, but God answers every prayer. District Apostle Kububa Soko from Zambia is convinced of this. In his article on our annual motto he explains how God’s answers can be interpreted. More

Flashback (1): Focusing on what is really important

More theory than practice, more word than deed: sometimes our life of faith becomes bogged down. And this puts our own salvation at risk. The Chief Apostle explained what can be done about this in the Pentecost service. More

Snapshots (5): Faith in focus

Focusing on the basic elements of faith and incorporating them into everyday life: this is the message of the 2024 Pentecost festivities. And here is the photographic focus from the divine service in Lucerne, Switzerland. More

Building our lives on the foundation

“Let us focus on the basic elements of our faith!” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider urged the faithful during the 2024 Pentecost service. He went on to explain exactly what this means and how it works. More

Holy Spirit to the power of ten

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. Good Friday and Easter celebrate His death and resurrection. But Pentecost? What exactly does the outpouring of the Holy Spirit mean? Here are the answers from the ten most recent Pentecost services. More

Snapshots (2): Guests swarm out (update)

When the highest decision-making body of the New Apostolic Church meets, the congregations in the vicinity of the conference location also benefit. The District Apostles once again swarmed out into the surrounding congregations for the midweek service. More
