
Go and bring blessing

It is not enough to just preach. We must go to the people. This was the call to ministers in a divine service conducted by the Chief Apostle in East Timor. A thought-provoking service not only for ministers. More

Apostle, son of thunder, bearer of hope

The name is popular in the New Testament: two biblical figures who carry the name are quite prominent and two are Apostles. So which James is being commemorated on 25 July? In the triumvirate of faith, hope, and love, he has come to symbolise hope. More

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work”

If you want to find your inner balance, you need answers to two questions: Who am I? And what should I do? Important is, though, who the answers come from. Here are some tips from a youth service conducted by the Chief Apostle. More

Apostle ministry: the decision

Why do we need the Apostle ministry today? Where does it come from? And where does it take us? Such questions were asked and answered in a panel discussion at the 2019 International Youth Convention. Here is part 1 of the new video series. More

Passions that bring suffering

People always have a great many wishes and needs. But which of these should we pursue and which ones should we abandon? The Chief Apostle had some clear words to offer on this subject in a recent divine service. And what is the standard here? Love for God and our fellow human beings. More

Using ordinary words to describe the extraordinary

He really did have a preaching style all His own: Jesus Christ. He was able to impart the deepest truths using the simplest, shortest everyday stories. However, most people were missing one key ingredient for understanding the mystery and message behind the parables. More

How His will can be done

The Lord’s Prayer contains so many thoughts that there is not enough time to cover them all in a single divine service. The Chief Apostle gave some tips for faith in daily life in a divine service in Angola, and in so doing shed some new light on a well-known part of the service. More

Hope for a happy ending

Does your faith in Jesus have a future? This is the question a recently published doctrinal essay asks. It covers subjects such as trust, trials, and signs, but above all the return of Christ. More

A bridge between two worlds

A structure full of symbolism: the altar connects the one bank of the river with the other. This is how young people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo celebrated their preparation for the service for the departed. Here is the story behind the image. More

Discovering the foundations

The Sunday services in July will focus on very typical New Apostolic subjects: our concept of the departed, the Apostle ministry, and rebirth out of water and the Spirit. But there will also be some surprises. More

Gifts are a mission and to be shared

The same talent for everyone and many different talents for each individual: this is the interpretation of a familiar parable taken from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. More

The story of the coat

Sharing with others is quite simple, isn’t it? Well, theoretically anyway. And in real life? The answer is a story from Africa. More

“We love because we believe in love”

They both believed and loved, and yet they were very different. The Chief Apostle presented two disciples as role models in a divine service for ministers. But what he said applies to all of us. More

Displaced by drought

According to estimates by the UN Refugee Agency, around thirty million people are being forcibly displaced as a result of extreme weather-related events and natural disasters. The biggest impact of climate change is experienced by the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on the help of others. Elijah was a climate refugee when he stood with nothing in front of someone who also had close to nothing. More

Lasting joy in our hearts

In a divine service recently, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider said that we always have a reason to rejoice. This is because God loves His children as He loves Jesus. He explained how this manifests itself and how we can share in this joy. More

In the end it was the miracle that laughed

Believing in the divine promise became increasingly difficult for this woman: its fulfilment was taking far too long and time was running out. The miracle that God gave her was all the greater. More

Flashback (4): Try again

What has defined our decisions in recent days, months, and years? There is a moment in divine service when God asks this question and makes an offer. Here is the conclusion of this year’s Pentecost flashback. More

Spotlight 12/2024: Effective and fervent

As District Apostle of the huge working area of South-East Asia, Edy Isnugroho has experienced a lot. In his article on our annual motto, he relates personal experiences to explain how intensive prayers work. More

Spreading the word

Jesus invited Thomas to touch His wounds. Others were not allowed to touch the risen Lord. Some recognised the Lord immediately, while others only realised who He was after He had said or done something specific. The Chief Apostle explained the discrepancies in the account of the resurrection. More

Apostolic in two ways

What is an Apostle? What is apostolic? And why is this important for all Christian churches? This is a question raised by a feast celebrated by Anglicans, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants on 11 June, the Feast of Barnabas. More
