
There is room for everyone in church

Everyone is welcome, whether sick or healthy, young or old: the doors of our church are wide open. Shaping the church is something that can be done together. Here are examples from the New Apostolic world. More

What God meant them to be

‌Being a minister in Guyana is challenging because you have to be so many things all at the same time. Not only a preacher and a counsellor, but also a teacher and a builder and you have to know your way around boats. The congregations in Wakapau and Akawini in Guyana, on the northern coast of South America, built their own churches. More

Celebrating the future

Although they have not yet won the victory, the congregation in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is celebrating the final victory over evil as though they had already entered New Jerusalem. More

Rousing applause for children

Music is powerful: making music brings people together, builds bridges between the generations, lets people discover new things, and even raises money for a good cause. More

Professing with pomp and ceremony

The photos certainly catch your eye: a truck decorated with flowers accompanied by a veritable parade of people on foot bearing banners and posters. It all seems to revolve around a special church anniversary and a 22-kilometre journey. Let’s look at the story behind the pictures. More

Addiction Talk: The damage drugs do

Some drugs are socially acceptable. And yet, there are poisons and side effects that can destroy the body. The second part of the video series “Addiction Talk” deals with the damage that drugs do. More

Make your faith known!

Proclaiming the gospel—in a nursing home, through charitable deeds, or by music. Sometimes it’s very loud, and sometimes it seems very quiet. Following are some examples from Europe, Asia, and Africa. More

Church instruction—not just for children

Choir leaders in Ghana enjoyed a taste of university life. Other Church members went to church to study, and a seniors' group went to a restaurant to learn: congregational life offers many opportunities for ongoing training. More

A space of peace amid the turmoil

“Even in the darkest of times, you can always be sure that our God is at your side.” This certainty is something that the congregations of Venezuela would like to share with their brethren in faith all around the world—here are some glimpses into their circumstances of life. More

Carrying the annual motto through the year

Prayer works! The year may have progressed significantly, but the annual motto for 2024 remains current. Children learned more about it, young people studied and discussed it, and musicians—from Poland, France, Romania, Italy, and South Africa, for example—even put the motto to music. More

Young people let their light shine in Canada

It was certainly easy enough to find friends. Around 1,000 young people from all over America, Australia, and Southern Germany came together at the beginning of August—to learn how to shine and to spread their light together. More

Faith invades Tanzania from all directions

It all started at the end of the 1970s, when ministers from Zambia, the USA, Germany, and Kenya converged on Tanzania to bring the New Apostolic faith to the African nation. This weekend, the Chief Apostle will be visiting a country with more than a quarter million Church members. More

Uncovering hidden riches

They live far away from one another and rarely come together. It is not always easy for New Apostolic young people in the USA to find their place in the congregation. The Church leadership has therefore had to think of a way to support them in their spiritual development. More

An event sparks positivity

SHINE was the motto of the Pan American Youth Summit 2024. Participants from across North and South America came together in Canada for three exciting days to light up their lives. A flyover by video. More

Good news. Thank you, God!

There is always a reason to thank God, and not just that wells can be built in Burkina Faso, for example, or schools in the Philippines. ‌Congregations in South Africa and Argentina also have a lot to be grateful for. They celebrated anniversaries. Here is a colourful bouquet of good news. More

Addiction talk: What is addiction?

“Addiction talk” is the name of a series of videos produced by Masakhe Foundation, the aid organisation of the New Apostolic Church Southern Africa. The first episode shows that addiction is not only caused by typical drugs. More

On tour with the District Apostles and their assistants

They conduct divine services, dispense the sacraments, and sometimes they are allowed to sit back and relax. Three District Apostles and a District Apostle Helper provide insight into their daily work. More

Making a difference

Donations in kind, activities, or a move to the other side of the world can make a difference. Brothers and sisters in Africa and Europe have just made this experience. More

Mothers in faith

In Angola, a woman becomes a mama by her mid-30s at the latest—even if she has no children. Because then she can take part in the activities of the Groupe des Mamas. More

Ways to shape the Church

If is often said that young people are the future of the Church. Yet not only they but everyone can contribute to the future of our Church. Whether with ideas, with a ministerial mandate, or with a smile to create a congregation in which everyone feels welcome. More
