New year, new motto, new logo … People around the world have come up with ideas on how to represent our 2017 motto, “Glory be to God our Father”, graphically. The first designs are online.
Only a few hours after the Chief Apostle’s New Year’s message was aired, the first graphic designs representing our 2017 motto popped up on the Internet. Brothers and sisters on all continents created drawings and logos and shared them on Facebook, Instagram, and on nacworld.net, the social network run by the Church.
Several District Apostles have also had logos designed for their regions. They are used in email signatures, on posters or signs, or as graphic elements on official websites. “Glory be to God our Father!”—a motto that has been represented across many languages and in many designs.
A complex motto is simplified
To recognise the greatness of God in His works, to thank Him for His gifts, and to proclaim His glory, that is the New Apostolic agenda for 2017, which Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider presented in his New Year’s message a few days ago. Wanting to unite all these aspects in one logo is certainly ambitious.
But it is possible, Viviana Aloy from the New Apostolic Church in Argentina says: “When we created our logo we tried to represent what it might mean to glorify God. For example, to respect the creation. The sky is represented by the rays, the earth by the mountains, and the water by horizontal lines. And the cupped hands are an image of mankind praising and thanking God.” The design will be used in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
Logos everywhere
nac.today correspondent Karin Zwar from Brazil wrote to tell us about the ideas behind the Brazilian logo “Gloria a deus”. “The picture of the tree of life contains musical symbols. They symbolise the song that we sing to the glory of God. At the same time, they are an image for God’s visible creation on earth and His invisible creation in heaven.”
Brothers and sisters around the globe will use this year’s motto, like last year’s, as a basis for numerous activities. nac.today will report on some of them, and many of the others will be featured on the websites of the various congregations. The most comprehensive website directory is offered by nacworld.net: 3,500 websites are listed there currently, divided into the following categories: districts, country/region, congregations, youth, children, middle age, music, seniors.