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community is online: issue 2018/03

02 07 2018

Author: Oliver Rütten

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Good news for passionate readers. The new issue of community is online. On 32 pages, it offers plenty of reading material for young and not-so-young New Apostolic Christians.

Over the next few days, a new issue of community will be distributed. Reading pleasure for young and not-so-young members across the world.

Enthusiasm for Jesus Christ

Congregational life, our personal development, as well as sharing our beliefs with our children and our neighbour requires enthusiasm. In his foreword, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider addresses three possibilities how we can live our enthusiasm for Jesus Christ. After reading the article, it is clear that a Christian life is certainly not restful but a purposeful way forward.

40,000 participants in Cape Town

“Walking over water with Jesus” was the motto of the divine service which the Chief Apostle held in February 2018 in Cape Town (South Africa). Thousands of young Christians descended on Cape Town Stadium for a Young People’s Convention with the Chief Apostle. This edition features the Chief Apostle’s sermon. “Our commitment to follow the Lord is our answer to His call. We are willing to make sacrifices because we love and trust God. In return, God enables us to remain faithful to the end.”

Reports about visits to different countries

The Chief Apostle’s visits to the members around the world are published in “A visit in …” The articles feature core thoughts from the divine services he held in the various countries.

Church doctrine and news from around the world

Statements by the Chief Apostle on the subject of election in the column “Doctrine”, a Bible story for children, as well as many impressions from congregations around the world complete this 32-page issue of community.

A combined effort across national borders

community is published by the New Apostolic Church International in three languages, namely English, French, and Spanish. Translations into additional languages are coordinated regionally by the sixteen District Churches. Approximately eight weeks pass between the editorial deadline and the publication of the magazine. In this time, editors write articles, graphic artists design the layout, and translators adapt the articles into their languages. After all is said and done, all the pages of a particular issue are reviewed and proofread. This way, a total of 40 editions are produced.

All editions of community can be downloaded from at any time. As the various editions become available, they are posted for download. Whether older or newer issues, they can be retrieved at any time.

02 07 2018

Author: Oliver Rütten
