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Faith is there for everybody

21 06 2019

Author: Andreas Rother

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New Apostolic congregations in Africa and Europe are right in the middle of public life. There are congregations who open their doors for the public, others who invite people in for discussions, and those who walk through the streets with a brass band to create awareness.

A brass band takes to the street

When New Apostolic congregations in Ghana celebrate an anniversary, it is not uncommon for them to do so publicly. This is how it was recently with a health and proclamation walk in Aburi. And this is also how it was in Kyekyewere: on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, the congregation marched through some of the town’s main streets with a banner and a brass band in tow. Unusual? Not really. Spreading the gospel with music was already done in the 1920s in Germany.

Invitation to the German Church Day

Three weeks after the International Youth Convention of the New Apostolic Church in Düsseldorf (Germany), the Protestant Church of Germany is hosting its 37th Church Day (“Kirchentag”) in Dortmund. Participating in the event are New Apostolic congregations from the city of Dortmund and the Working Group Contacts to Churches and Denominations. The offer ranges from prayers to evening services and discussion groups.

Dispensing blessing by the rows

District Apostle Tshitshi Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo had his hands full when he was in the provincial capital Kolwezi in south of the country last month. He conducted a divine service in an open-air theatre, which was attended by more than 6,800 brothers and sisters, and single-handedly dispensed the confirmation blessing upon 168 girls and boys.

The Church opens its doors

A total of 19 churches in the city of Stuttgart in Germany opened their doors to the public in the evening of Pentecost Sunday for the fourteenth annual religious and cultural festival “Night of the Churches”. This year, a New Apostolic congregation was represented as well. Under the motto “Faith is there for everybody”, the congregation’s youth group and a number of members from two other congregations put on a programme: a panel discussion under the title “Is the Church open?”, musical contributions, and a “photo-walk” with pictures to lead the visitors into the nave of the church.

21 06 2019

Author: Andreas Rother
