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It’s Sunday again …

05 07 2019

Author: Peter Johanning

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This coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church will celebrate the divine service for the departed. This special service not only commemorates the departed, but in it the sacraments are dispensed to souls in the realms of the departed.

On Sunday we will celebrate the divine service for the departed. How does the New Apostolic Church explain its divine services for the departed? How can we explain to people what occurs there so that they can understand it? Maybe like this. Following is the excerpt from a flyer, Service for the departed, published by the New Apostolic Church International:

“Dear guest, we extend a warm welcome to you.” Today you will experience a service for the departed in the New Apostolic Church. Perhaps this is your first time with us as a guest. For this reason, we would like to briefly introduce you to the New Apostolic Church and explain our belief in the afterlife as well as the sequence of this divine service. We wish you a blessed Sunday. You are always warmly welcome to join us.
“For New Apostolic Christians, belief in the afterlife and hope for the future are inseparably linked to belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The miracle of the resurrection and the promise of His return are core elements of the gospel. At His return, those human beings who have died in Christ will resurrect. In addition, some among the living, namely those who have aligned their lives by His example, will be transformed and caught up to God. Together they will live in eternal unity with God. Our hope for the future is based upon this understanding.
“Closely related to this is the belief in a life after death. New Apostolic Christians pray for the departed both in their daily prayers and in the divine services. Since all authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and on earth, New Apostolic Christians possess the conviction of faith that Jesus not only imparts salvation on earth, but also in the beyond. Something special, which was already practised by the early Christians, happens in three designated Sunday divine services each year: living individuals are baptised for the dead (1 Corinthians 15: 29).
“In our day, Apostles dispense the sacraments of Holy Baptism with water, Holy Sealing, and Holy Communion for the departed. These sacraments are taken on their behalf by two ministers. In those divine services that are not conducted by Apostles on these occasions, a special prayer is spoken for the departed.”

The flyer can be downloaded here.

Three Apostles were ordained last Sunday. In addressing the three men before the ordination, the Chief Apostle spoke about the three primary tasks of an Apostle: first of all, he has to carry the doctrine to the people. They are as follows: “I love you, come!”, “I will return soon!”, and “Be one, as the Father and I are one.”

In addressing the three men before the ordination, the Chief Apostle spoke about the three primary tasks of an Apostle: first of all, he has to carry the doctrine to the people. That means: “I love you, come!”, “I will return soon!”, and “Be one, as the Father and I are one.”

In addition to this, the Chief Apostle said, the Apostle is responsible for the spiritual leadership in his district. “You are responsible that the gospel is proclaimed in the proper manner and that the congregations and all the members are looked after.” Make sure your co-workers are happy. “Comfort them, encourage them, and thank them. And don’t ever forget to praise them.”

The third task of an Apostle is to represent the congregations before God and to defend them before the accuser, the Chief Apostle continued. The faithful must feel that their Apostle is the representative of Jesus Christ, who loves them.

Photo: Oliver Rütten

05 07 2019

Author: Peter Johanning
