Media offer 2015: is the website of the Church leadership

Zurich. For those who desire official church information, is the correct address to visit: As of spring 2015, the site will mostly publish announcements of international management and doctrinal texts. Future publications include changes in the Apostle´s circle, statements from the international working groups and project groups as well as news of the Chief Apostle.
The revised website of the international church leadership is divided into six themes: Current, Profile, Teaching, Church, Congregations, and Media.
Announcements and Profile
Under Current actual announcements appear as well as the Word of the Month and, for example, posters from the European showcase series.
In Profile, the editors publish an overview of the essential features of the New Apostolic Church. Within a few moments, interested readers can form a picture of the church.
“With the new Website, we want to communicate the profile of our church even more clearly and to place special emphasis on the announcements of the Church leadership says Bishop Peter Johanning. For almost 20 years, he has been working as a church spokesman for the New Apostolic Church International and is responsible for communication.
Doctrinal statements and organizational structures
Within the area Teaching, users search and read the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church online. In addition, the Church publishes statements and announcements as well as an A-Z of the Church and doctrinal texts on this site. Under the section Church, the editors describe the organizational structure, the offices and operation of the Church’s work and project groups. In addition, here is the section where the Church, with its District Apostle areas and Church-owned aid organizations, is introduced. Under History, the reader learns about the history of the New Apostolic Church.
Congregation addresses and media offers
Under Congregations, you can find the address book of the New Apostolic Church. With just a few clicks, you can find congregations around the world, their contact details and how to navigate there.
Under Media, there are contact details of the church spokesperson and links to other websites of the Church.
News magazine reports daily
With the launch of the New Apostolic news magazine:, general news will in future no longer be provided on the official website of the New Apostolic Church International. Contributions in the subject areas of organization, faith, society, various and history, will in future appear directly in:
The official website of the NAKI:
The News magazine of the NAKI:
The social network of the NAKI: nacworld