There is no question about it, a Church has to move forward and keep up with technology. This week we look with pride at new churches and a technological innovation that is being used in India.
Zambia: Four church dedications in only four weeks. Where? In Zambia! And they are all located in one Apostle district. On 14 June a new church was dedicated for the congregation Sichinde. The church, which has enough seating for 150 members, was built almost completely by the congregation. More than 600 people attended the dedication ceremony, among them also the village chief. Only three days later the new church in Nalubwe was dedicated. Some 430 people participated in the divine service. And in the first week of July there were two more dedications: on 5 July in Janda, a church with a seating capacity of 130, and on 8 July in Siapubwe. Here the church has a seating capacity of 230.
Germany: The New Apostolic Church Northern and Eastern Germany is looking for interpreters on a volunteer basis. They should be able to interpret from English into German and/or from German into English; from French into German and/or from German into French; from Spanish into German and/or vice versa. In addition to the northern and eastern parts of Germany, District Apostle Rüdiger Krause also looks after the countries of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Great Britain, Isle of Man, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Poland, and Sweden.
India: Teaching music effectively in a huge country like India can be challenging. At the very least it is an expensive undertaking. But not if the music is provided in digital format for smartphones. It not only sounds like a real solution, it is one. No sooner thought than done. All you have to do is download a free app that allows you access to scores from the English hymnal on your smartphone. And it looks great too!
Germany: A new church was dedicated by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider on the last Sunday in July on the outskirts of Berlin. The church, which took fifteen months to build, is located in Zepernick/Panketal. The Chief Apostle mentioned that the new building could be financed thanks to help from other District Churches in Germany and Switzerland. The money came from a solidarity fund.