The photos certainly catch your eye: a truck decorated with flowers accompanied by a veritable parade of people on foot bearing banners and posters. It all seems to revolve around a special church anniversary and a 22-kilometre journey. Let’s look at the story behind the pictures.
“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises. With trumpets and the sound of a horn; shout joyfully before the Lord, the King.” This passage from Psalm 98: 4, 6 provides a pretty good description of a recent campaign by Church members in Nigeria on a special occasion.
The church district on the peninsula between Badagry and Takwa Bay has only existed for 36 years, strictly speaking. But that did not prevent our brothers and sisters there from loudly celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the New Apostolic Church in their country.
For the anniversary year, which is to be celebrated in October, Lead Apostle Geoffrey Nwogu went on a tour of the congregations in his care. In the island district, he also visited members at home and toured the Freedom Park memorial and conservation area.
Then he drove from Ibeshe to Kebona in a truck decorated with flowers with the local district rector at the wheel. Many members accompanied him on foot—for the entire 22-kilometre trip! The group drew quite a lot of attention to themselves by singing songs and playing brass instruments.
The purpose of their journey was quite obvious: the brothers and sisters wore colourful clothing covered with emblems and flags bearing the annual motto, the 50-year anniversary slogan, and the Church emblem. They continued their boisterous songs and music the whole way without ceasing. And it was only once they finally arrived in Kobena that the concert really began with choral singing, solo performances, and even theatre pieces. The Kobena congregation had received a new church building, financed by members of the congregation and friends, which the Lead Apostle went on to inaugurate with great ceremony.
During the dedication service, the Apostle made reference to a Bible text from Psalm 93: 5: “Your testimonies are very sure; holiness adorns Your house, O Lord, forever.” He then went on to talk about the covenant that God had made with humankind. He also administered the sacrament of Holy Sealing to eleven believers.