The message of the Sunday divine services in the month of January 2025 remains: Christ is present—and His presence is a reason for joy and a source of strength.
It’s time to do good!
The first service of 2025 marks the beginning of a new year with the motto: “It’s time to do good!” This message is not just the main thought at the heart of the divine service, but a call to be active throughout the year. To do good is to put our faith into concrete action. We begin this endeavour by reflecting on our own relationship with God, aligning ourselves with Christ, and giving up negative things. We should not only recognise the needs of our neighbour with open eyes, but should also act without hesitation.
This affects every area of life, be it daily life, family life, or church life. How can we set an example today? What sorts of opportunities present themselves to us, or how can we make such opportunities? What are the things that prevent us from doing good and how can we overcome these obstacles?
Jesus Christ—the face of the invisible God
The divine service on the second Sunday focuses on how Jesus Christ has revealed the true nature of God to humanity. No human being can see God directly or fully grasp His glory. But through Jesus, the character of God is made visible for us: His love is shown in His devotion to all people, His grace is evident in His forgiveness and acceptance despite all our mistakes. The perfection of God encourages us to hold on to His standards, while His righteousness makes it clear that He sees both the struggles and the intentions of every individual. His eternal being reminds us that God always was, always is, and always will be—a constant that gives us hope.
The divine service invites us to reflect on this revelation and to ask ourselves: how can I visibly express the characteristics of God in my life? Where do I experience His love and grace today, and how can I pass these on to others? Through faith and the sacraments, we can experience His presence, and believers can be strengthened to be witnesses of his nature.
A teacher with divine authority
The focus of the divine service on the third Sunday of the month is on Jesus Christ as a teacher who embodies and conveys the will of God in a unique way. His teachings, as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount, show the great importance of a living faith that is characterised by love, forgiveness, and humility. But how can the theory be put into practice? How is it possible to fulfil God’s commandments out of love rather than fear of punishment? Believers are encouraged to let the Holy Spirit remind them of the teachings of Jesus and to consciously incorporate them into their everyday lives in order to actively live the commandment of love and serve as a living witness to the gospel.
Sacraments as indicators of the presence of Christ
The sacraments are more than rituals—they are living signs of the presence of Christ, and they have a direct impact on the lives of the believers. They remind us about the activity of God in the past, and allow us to experience His salvation in the present. How can we experience the power of Holy Baptism, Holy Sealing, and Holy Communion? This is the question at the heart of the sermon on the fourth Sunday of the month, which is based on the words of Psalm 111: 4. These holy acts connect us with Christ, impart forgiveness, bring us close to God from our original state of remoteness, and incorporate us into the body of Christ. Baptism signifies our own burial and resurrection with Christ, while sealing equips us with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Holy Communion strengthens our fellowship of life with Christ when we partake of His body and blood. In a world full of challenges, the sacraments remind us that Jesus is close to us every day and that He makes His salvation accessible to everyone who seeks it.
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