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Acts of blessing

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Acts of blessing

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Believe, love, and remain focused

What exactly is the mission of the Apostles? Not only did the District Apostle Meeting discuss this question, but the Chief Apostle devoted an entire service to it. For in the answer lies the principal commission given to all believers. Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi Photo: Yves Menzi […]

December 7, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (46): The other two-part division

The Catholic practice of confirmation as a sacrament was only accorded a few quiet centuries. But then the reformers came along and sought to anchor the Christian rite of initiation in the act of baptism alone—and nevertheless instituted their own practice of confirmation in the process. It is the sacrament that represents the completion of […]

November 25, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (45): One baptism, two sacraments

The rebirth out of water and Spirit: what began as a rite in two parts developed into two independent sacraments. The catalyst was the overwhelming success of Christendom. We are in the fourth century. The baptistries that adjoined the episcopal churches were abuzz with activity. Things really took off when Emperor Constantine himself converted to […]

November 8, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Young people in action

Confirmation events, youth conventions, youth meetings. Many young people are getting together in spite of the pandemic to have fun together, experience their faith, or to do good. Here is a look at those who are helping to shape the future of the Church. One Of Us was the motto of the youth convention in […]

October 28, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Many nations united in faith

Around 100 members in Paris, France are looking forward to the visit of the Chief Apostle on 17 October. The special thing about this congregation: they come from many different countries but are nevertheless connected by the same faith. Paris (august 2014) Photo: ENA France Some of the children of the Paris congregation at their […]

October 12, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Let the little children come to Me

This is what Jesus said and thereby described the road the New Apostolic Church still wants to take today. Children are to get to know Jesus and His gospel and to feel at home in the Church. Here are some examples how this can work. Photo: Barbara Wilde Photo: Barbara Wilde Photo: NAC Nigeria Photo: […]

September 24, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (42): Within reach of the Spirit

Whether it is considered a rite, a sacrament, or merely a side effect of baptism, the churches have very different ways of understanding how a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. And this diversity of perspectives has a tradition that goes back nearly 2,000 years. The manifesto might well have looked like this: God granted Christendom […]

September 15, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Young people defy the corona virus

The last youth event together—in many places it has already been one and a half years since then. The joy of reunion is all the greater when a local gathering becomes possible again—even if it comes with many protective measures. Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: ENA Guinée Photo: NAK Nord- […]

September 3, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (41): Is Holy Sealing merely a New Apostolic phenomenon?

What distinguishes the New Apostolic doctrine from that of other faiths? This question and others like it come up time and again. Depending on the context, the answer to this question can be longer or shorter. But most often it involves one key concept: Holy Sealing. The New Apostolic Church acknowledges three sacraments. And just […]

August 31, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Liturgical milestones in book format

What role does the timing of the Our Father play in the worship service? Why are the prayers spoken without a script? Why does the organ play softly prior to the divine service? Answers to these questions can be found in the early liturgies of the Church. It was 180 years ago that Heinrich Christian […]

August 25, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Shared loneliness

Some look back with gratitude and joy and have happy memories, others look ahead hopefully as they face special challenges. Here is a look at some of the activities in our congregations around the world. Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Sud América Photo: Iglesia […]

August 6, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The ascent and exit of Ernst Güttinger

It was 70 years ago, on 5 August 1951, that the then Chief Apostle Johann Gottfried Bischoff retired him. Today, Ernst Güttinger would have been 144 years of age. Who was this man who left behind such a mixed legacy? Dübendorf is a small village a little outside of Zurich in Switzerland. It was there […]

August 5, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Tears of sorrow, tears of joy

Joy and sadness often exist side by side. While some can come together and celebrate again, others are struggling to come to terms with destruction. Let’s pray for all. Because the church is built on a slight slope, the water pushed everything to the altar Photo: NAK Westdeutschland The mud mark on the wall shows […]

July 23, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (35): Who is allowed to the table and where?

Taking a seat at the Lord’s table—that can involve a lot of hurdles: all Christian churches attach conditions to participation in Holy Communion. Anyone who decides to visit another denomination can easily get tangled up. Hurdle number 1 has to do with water: in nearly all churches, only those who have been duly baptised are […]

June 1, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Glimpsing a congregation through the church window

“A church in which people feel at home…” This is precisely what can be accomplished when members commit themselves to their congregation and work together. It was in this manner that the congregations of Kelkheim and Bad Soden (both in Germany) became acquainted with one another—and found their way into a brand new fellowship. Jonathan […]

May 27, 2021
Acts of blessing

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The sacraments (30): Communion under both species

Communion during COVID: it would be a non-starter if we all shared the same wine chalice. So how can the sacrament nevertheless be celebrated “under both species”—that is, with both bread and wine? For an answer, we turn to history—namely that of the New Apostolic Church! The chatter was everywhere: the German Press Agency and […]

March 23, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Across congregational boundaries

Most of our congregational life has moved online because of the pandemic. This also includes divine services that are being offered in live webcasts globally. Here is the updated overview for Sunday. Gatherings District Apostles and committees meet in video conferences, ministers at the congregational and district level reach out and share ideas virtually. There […]

February 5, 2021
Acts of blessing

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Pastoral care (7): one student, many teachers

Who cares about the children? Who is responsible for their religious upbringing? Many, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says. A look at love, responsibility, and the structures of the Church. In the year 400 BC, Plato, through Socrates, called his contemporaries to epimeleia tés psyché, that is, to “care for the soul”. The Greek philosopher wanted […]

November 3, 2020