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Annual motto

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Annual motto

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What microphone cables reveal

“Prayer works!” This is our motto for 2024. In his New Year’s message, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider explains the ideas behind it. Here is a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the recording session. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Zurich, Switzerland: the head office of […]

November 28, 2023
Annual motto

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Let us sing to the Lord

This week we look at a number of events where brothers and sisters came together to praise God through song and music. Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: Gerrit Junge Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: ENA Bénin Photo: ENA Bénin Photo: ENA Bénin […]

November 3, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 14/2023: A journey that begins today

Following Jesus also requires us to exercise restraint. In his Spotlight, District Apostle Edy Isnugroho reports on fellow believers who have impressed him in particular fashion. And he goes on to explain why it is still worthwhile. When contemplating the concept of serving God, many brothers and sisters may initially entertain some apprehensions. It is […]

October 13, 2023
Annual motto

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A question of relationship

Gratitude says something about our relationship with God. This is something that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider made clear on Thanksgiving Day in Switzerland. The believers learned how one can show gratitude to God. Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Marc Genoux Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Marc Genoux Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: Olivier Winkler Photo: […]

October 11, 2023
Annual motto

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Half a century in ministry

This Sunday, 24 September 2023, District Apostle Leonard R. Kolb (1956) will retire. He has served as a minister in the New Apostolic Church for an impressive 50 years. For fifteen years he has led the Regional Church of the USA. This Sunday, 24 September 2023, Leaonard R. Kolb will be retired by Chief Apostle […]

September 20, 2023
Annual motto

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Celebrating God together

Whether it is a divine service for children, for ministers, or for the whole congregation, serving God together is always a celebration. All over the world, people come together for divine service and sometimes there is a special reason to celebrate. Photo: ENA Bénin et Togo Photo: ENA Bénin et Togo Photo: ENA Bénin et […]

September 14, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 13/2023: Serving the future today

Who is supposed to benefit from serving and reigning with Christ? This is the question District Apostle Tshitshi Tshisekedi from the Democratic Republic Congo asks in his article as he reflects on our 2023 motto and takes a look at the coming generations and what we are leaving our children. If we serve and reign […]

August 17, 2023
Annual motto

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“You should rule over it”

Serving and reigning with Christ: the first part of this year’s motto refers to our neighbour, the second part certainly does not. The case of the third man explains what we need to rule over. Here is a contemporary look at an archetypal incident. Cain is angry. Envy is eating him up. He lowers His […]

June 20, 2023
Annual motto

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All generations are actively engaged

Not only the ministers and those who have functions in the Church are committed, but members of all ages. Everyone contributes their gifts be it in making music, knitting for the less fortunate, or by sharing advice with others. Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: Theo Photo: ENA Benin Togo Photo: Photo: […]

June 9, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 9/2023: Preparing for the future

In preparation for their mission to the moon, astronauts had to prepare for a near-zero-gravity environment. Training for this on earth was very complex and expensive. How much time and energy do we invest in preparing for our future mission, Joseph Opemba Ekhuya from Kenya asks in his Spotlight article. The Chief Apostle has directed […]

June 5, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 8/2023: Each one serves the other

Already as a twelve-year-old, District Apostle Mark Woll from Canada made the experience that even the boss of a company is really nothing but a servant. In his Spotlight article he explores how much serving there really is in reigning. At a young age I learned what serving and reigning really means. I was twelve […]

May 15, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 7/2023: Relinquish – retain

To reign with Christ is a higher form of service. This is what District Apostle John Kriel from South Africa says in his article on our annual motto. What exactly this means he explains by telling us what we need to let go of and what we need to hold on to. When the Chief […]

May 1, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 6/2023: Powerful words, strong faith

Faith, boldness, discipleship, loyalty, truthfulness, and love. These are the key words that District Apostle Kububa Soko from Zambia associates with our 2023 motto. In his Spotlight article he explains what exactly this means for our everyday life. At the beginning of each year, the Chief Apostle announces to the New Apostolic Church members the […]

April 17, 2023
Annual motto

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Spotlight 5/2023: True greatness is revealed in serving others

Our annual motto “Serving and reigning with Christ” does not mean that we should strive for power, District Apostle Michael Ehrich from Germany clarifies. Jesus rules differently than the powerful of the world. After all, He did not come to be served, but to serve. Parents usually want only the best for their children. This […]

April 3, 2023
Annual motto

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community 2/2023: The joy of fellowship

Church life, doctrinal aspects, and a children’s corner… the latest issue of the community magazine is jam-packed with exciting topics. This edition of the magazine takes its readers to Brazil and South Africa, among other places, and it features the full-text version of the divine service in which the Chief Apostle explained our motto for […]

April 1, 2023