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The storms of life: “Where is your faith?”
Everybody goes through turbulent times, not only the individual believer but also the Church as a whole. God poses the question: “Where is your faith?” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider gives a number of answers and allows a glimpse of one of the most profound moments of his life.
12 02 2015

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A task for everyone: living reconciliation
The Statement of Reconciliation between the New Apostolic Church and the Apostolic Community (Apostolische Gemeinschaft) in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany is more than an interdenominational act. This was made clear by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. The idea of reconciliation is something that should concern all brothers and sisters.
05 02 2015

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Labour with love: the year 2014 in review (Part 1)
We still carry last year’s motto in our hearts. But what else happened throughout the New Apostolic world in 2014? Following is a look at the happenings around the world in the first half of 2014.
29 01 2015

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A celebration of faith in Kenya
Zurich/Nairobi. The international leader of the New Apostolic Church, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider spent the last weekend of June in Kenya. This was the first time that he had ever come to the country as Chief Apostle. Hundreds of thousands of members had long been looking forward to this visit.
09 07 2014

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The name of the new District Apostle is Rainer Storck
Dortmund/Zurich. “We praise God and give thanks to His servant”—it was with this simple statement that the international leader of the New Apostolic Church, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, opened Sunday’s divine service in Dortmund’s Westfalenhalle. With emotional words he retired District Apostle Armin Brinkmann, who had served in ministry for many years, before going on to ordain his successor, the new District Apostle Rainer Storck.
25 02 2014

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“Labour in love!” – The new motto for 2014
Zurich. The new year 2014 has a new motto: “Labour in love!” In his divine service on New Year’s Day in Stuttgart, Germany, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider, the spiritual leader of the New Apostolic Church, used the words of the Lord Jesus as an appeal to all Christians to make a special profession of faith: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
04 01 2014

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Chief Apostle Richard Fehr has passed away
Zurich. In the early evening hours of this Sunday, 30 June 2013, retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr passed into the beyond. He is survived by his wife Sonja and his family. In his official notice to the District Apostles, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider informed them that his predecessor in the Chief Apostle ministry closed his eyes peacefully at around 5:00 PM. In mid-July he would have been 74 years of age.
01 07 2013

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The name of the new Chief Apostle of the New Apostolic Church is Jean-Luc Schneider
Hamburg/Zurich. As of this Pentecost Sunday 2013, the New Apostolic Church has a new spiritual leader: Jean-Luc Schneider is the new Chief Apostle and successor in ministry to Wilhelm Leber, who retired from ministry on this occasion. It was a special highlight when the new Chief Apostle discharged the previous Chief Apostle from his ministry with the words: “In our hearts you will remain our Chief Apostle!”
20 05 2013

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European Apostles ring in Pentecost with a meeting in Hamburg
Hamburg/Zurich. Retiring Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber opened the European Apostle Meeting in Hamburg the Saturday before Pentecost with warm thanks to all the Apostles for their work and support, all their prayers, and all their willingness to contribute and help along in the various developments. With emotion he went on to add: “I would also like to thank my predecessor in ministry, Chief Apostle Fehr. I would like to thank him in particular because he made the transition so easy for me. His attitude left its mark upon me and I have always been able to relate to it. It has been my endeavour to continue his work.”
18 05 2013

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Pentecost 2013: A new Chief Apostle for the New Apostolic Church
Zurich. There are only about four more weeks to go before Pentecost, when a new Chief Apostle will be ordained for the New Apostolic Church. The current international Church leader, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, will retire at the age of 65 and will be succeeded in ministry by a French national, namely Jean-Luc Schneider (53). The preparations for this change have already been made, and all Church members around the world are aware that it is coming.
19 04 2013

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Pentecost 2012: Jean-Luc Schneider appointed Chief Apostle Helper
Zurich/Cologne. After many years, the New Apostolic Church once again has a Chief Apostle Helper. In the Pentecost service on 27 May 2012 in Cologne Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber appointed the French District Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider with this new commission. He will in future provide support to the Chief Apostle and also take on some of his travels. “The transition is to proceed in as continuous a manner as possible,” said the Chief Apostle. He himself is already looking toward his own retirement, he explained, and is working early to address the matter of his succession.
29 05 2012