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Know what you say, do what you can

Education and church go together well. After all, the doctrine that is brought to the congregation in the sermon or to the children in the various classes has to be learned. And to help this process along, the New Apostolic Church in South-East Asia has just opened its own academy. The director of the academy […]

January 19, 2017

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Aid knows no borders

Operations in the Philippines, Haiti, and Suriname show that people everywhere are extremely glad to help in times of need, especially when it comes to essentials such as food, shelter, education, and providing people with the means to generate income. Photo: The NAC SEA Relief Fund Photo: Schweizer Rotes Kreuz (SRK) Photo: Schweizer Rotes Kreuz […]

January 13, 2017

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community is online: issue 2017/01

An issue of community can be 12, 32 or even 36 pages thick. Who has less to read—and who gets more? The new issue of community is online as of today. It includes Chief Apostle Schneider’s address for the New Year, reports on the Church leader’s journeys to all continents, and elaborates on Church doctrine. […]

January 2, 2017

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A year’s worth of “Victory with Christ”

What may have sounded a little cumbersome at first developed into a firework of impulses over the course of the year: “Victory with Christ”, the motto of the New Apostolic Church for 2016. Following is a look back at the most important aspects. The motto was issued by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider in his New […]

December 26, 2016

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Silvertown, a venerable landmark

Church and concert hall—definitely a building with a history. History will once again be written this coming Sunday, when the congregation in Silvertown will witness the third change in the district’s leadership in a row. Silvertown Photo: NAC Cape Concert, 2010 Photo: Peter Wild Concert, 2010 Photo: Peter Wild Concert, 2010 Photo: Peter Wild Concert, […]

December 17, 2016

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Neighbouring districts to merge 2018

“Not only in Africa are there plans to merge neighbouring church districts, but also in Germany.” This is how, the official website of the New Apostolic Church, announces a pending third merger. The focus of the merger is on western Germany: the District Church Hesse/Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland will come under the same roof administratively and pastorally […]

December 4, 2016

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The Chief Apostle in the City of Angels

Los Angeles, a fascinating city. It brings to mind images of beaches and the sun. The city is a big tourist destination. But the purpose of Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider’s trip there is not pleasure. He has a tight schedule. Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: NAC USA Photo: rabbit75_fot Two […]

November 21, 2016

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Making guests feel at home

There are various kinds of guests: invited guests, surprise guests, and rare guests. Five congregations around the world recently welcomed special guests. Lagos: Birthday guests attend service Photo: NAC Nigeria Lagos: Birthday guests attend service Photo: NAC Nigeria Lagos: Birthday guests attend service Photo: NAC Nigeria Malta: Too small a church Photo: NAC Malta Malta: […]

November 18, 2016

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Making the gospel heard together

Standing up for the values of the gospel together with other Christians: that is not only a daily mission, but also the approach required to work together in official bodies—right up to the national level. Luxembourg in January 2015. A number of high-ranking national representatives of the Catholic and Protestant Churches, and delegates from the […]

November 15, 2016

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A trip that changed numerous lives

A new start shortly before retirement. In the Philippines, a Priest from Germany hears about an aid project. First, he helps to set up a foundation for it and then to build a village. His aim: giving street children a future. Martin Riester (left) and Werner Schweikert (right) with a little boy who was able […]

November 14, 2016

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Between here and there

Joy and sorrow are never far apart. Remembering the departed bridges the gap between this life and the afterlife. News from around the New Apostolic world about premières and farewells. Service for the departed: devotional in Frankfurt Photo: Jens Fischer Lydia leaves audience thrilled Photo: NAK Nordost/IME Lydia leaves audience thrilled Photo: NAK Nordost/IME Lydia […]

November 11, 2016

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Staying fit for faith and everday life

Not struggling with things ourselves, but learning from one another and seeking solutions together is the way to stay in shape—also in terms of faith. Meetings, seminars, and conferences are helping brothers and sisters from East to West in building a good life for themselves. Building better marriages Photo: INA Brasil/Bolívia Building better marriages Photo: […]

November 4, 2016

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We come in the name of God

On 5 February 1855 two missionaries arrived in Papua, the western part of the island of New Guinea, to preach the gospel to the inhabitants. Even today missionaries are active on this second largest island in the world. The memorial in Mansinam, Neuguinea, erected in memory of the first missionaries Photo: NAC Southeast-Asia View across […]

November 2, 2016

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Our conception of ministry: questions and answers

Apostles around the world are involved in building our conception of ministry. What has been gathered in meetings and working groups to date is currently being discussed by the District Apostles in Perth. Here is an overview. Why are we talking about our conception of ministry in the first place? With the publication of the […]

October 20, 2016

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NAK-karitativ presents its annual report for 2015

nak-karitativ invested more than two million euros in humanitarian projects on three continents over the past year. This is documented in the annual report for 2015 that has just been published. The application area of NAK-karitativ … Photo: NAK-karitativ … in the fields of work … Photo: NAK-karitativ … education … Photo: NAK-karitativ … medical […]

October 13, 2016

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Only another 978 days to go

The first International Youth Day of the New Apostolic Church will run from 30 May to 2 June 2019. The rental contracts with the Düsseldorf fairgrounds have already been signed, and the planning committee is making some basic decisions on the programme of events. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver […]

September 24, 2016

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Patience—managing the monstrous

Being patient with the imperfections of our neighbour, but also with ourselves. Chief Apostle Schneider demonstrates how the Holy Spirit can support us even in very normal situations of daily life. Leipzig is a city with 520.000 inhabitants in the German federal state of Saxony Photo: Michael Voigt The church district is part of the […]

September 13, 2016

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“Being open to all people, to all nations”

He is at home in two countries, works for the Church on three continents, and speaks six languages: Bishop Aramik Fesdjian has been accustomed to internationality right from the cradle. In this interview he talks about his life between the worlds. In the interview: Bishop Aramik Fesdjian Photo: Danièle Idler Youth event with Apostle Jens […]

September 12, 2016