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Interim update on the concept of ministry
The concept of ministry was one of the high priority topics of 2017—with a very special emphasis: the Chief Apostle himself gave an interim update on the ongoing efforts on this new doctrinal understanding. Following are some insights into the developments to date.
26 12 2017

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District Apostle Meeting kicks off with topics relevant for Africa
The International District Apostle Meeting is in session. This is the first time since the initial resolutions concerning our concept of ministry were communicated. There are still many open questions, but this is not the only interesting subject.
23 11 2017

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A distinction: ministry and hierarchy
The new concept of ministry has begun to have some concrete implications, a point that the Chief Apostle made clear at today’s divine service for ministers, which was transmitted throughout Europe. A Special Edition of the Divine Service Guide is now being issued. The most important points from it follow in brief.
22 10 2017

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Our conception of ministry: questions and answers
Apostles around the world are involved in building our conception of ministry. What has been gathered in meetings and working groups to date is currently being discussed by the District Apostles in Perth. Here is an overview.
20 10 2016

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Lively exchange at the Apostle Meeting
The New Apostolic Church witnessed an Apostle Meeting of a different kind at the start of this year’s Pentecost gathering in Frankfurt am Main. Instead of giving his usual keynote address, the Chief Apostle focused entirely on listening. And there was only one subject of discussion.
14 05 2016