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Charity work

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Need, joy, and fellowship in Asia

Great need, many small joys, and an energetic sense of community: that was the year 2015 from the perspective of New Apostolic Christians in Asia and Australia, the second region to look back over the year on Earthquake in Nepal: Priests Bel Bahadur (1st from left) and Indra Bahadur (5th from left) with injured […]

December 28, 2015
Charity work

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At home worldwide: close, yet far away

This week looks at a soup kitchen, the Chief Apostle’s recent trip to Cambodia, and a new church in Fiji. Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: René-Louis Pieper Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia […]

November 27, 2015
Charity work

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At home around the world – Helping in big and little ways

Helping others is charity in action, something that brothers and sisters around the world do all the time—whether in big or small ways, collectively or individually. Following are three current examples. Photo: SRK Photo: SRK Photo: SRK Photo: NACSea Photo: NACSea Photo: NACSea Philippines: Aid for victims of Typhoon Lando Another typhoon has hit the […]

November 12, 2015
Charity work

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Into the disaster area—with trust in God

What does a relief worker need? Trust in God, motivation, and empathy. So says Elke Nothaft from Southern Germany, who was most recently deployed to Nepal. Her volunteer commitment did not begin quite by chance. Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke Nothaft Photo: Elke […]

November 7, 2015
Charity work

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At home worldwide: New church on Sumatra

This week we look at a new church building on Sumatra and an emergency relief programme for Syrian refugees in Lebanon … Church dedication in Indonesia Photo: NAC South East Asia Church dedication in Indonesia Photo: NAC South East Asia Church dedication in Indonesia Photo: NAC South East Asia Church dedication in Indonesia Photo: NAC […]

October 30, 2015
Charity work

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Reconstruction begins in Sipapokhare

The monsoon season is nearly over. But even then, the people still have to cope with the devastation left by the earthquakes in April and May of this year. On the long path towards normality, Nepal is still at the very beginning. So is the village of Sipapokhare, a village situated in the Himalayan foothills. […]

October 10, 2015
Charity work

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Helpers reach out to refugees

Refugee aid in Europe starts well before refugees reach their country of refuge. After all, the need is no less dire on the travel routes or in their homeland. Even here the New Apostolic Church is trying to do its part to reach out as far as possible to the refugees. A Syrian refugee family […]

September 23, 2015
Charity work

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An appeal to make children welcome

Children are our future—and yet they themselves often have no future. How are children doing in our day? And what do they need in order to have a better future? Here we take inventory to mark a very special day. Sixty years ago, on 21 September 1954, the United Nations established International Children’s Day. Today […]

September 19, 2015
Charity work

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At home around the world: clinic, collective, and Catechism

The Church is building a hospital, Apostles are working on growing together, and young people are occupying themselves with the Catechism—here is a look around the world from Africa to Europe to South America. Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Health centre in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia […]

September 18, 2015
Charity work

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Help for helpers

Would I like to help out? Gladly! But how? Questions like this have been coming up again and again—even in New Apostolic congregations—with regard to the influx of refugees to Europe. The Church’s leadership has not merely contented itself with launching appeals, but is also offering help to the helpers. Various District Apostles have already […]

September 17, 2015
Charity work

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Collecting, lending a hand, caring: refugee aid is a community project

Helping hand in hand: that is how New Apostolic congregations have been helping refugees for months—most often together with other Christians, initiatives, and organizations. Infrastructural support is also coming increasingly from the Church leadership. Photo: NAK Mitteldeutschland Weimar Photo: NAK Mitteldeutschland Weimar Photo: NAK Mitteldeutschland Weimar Photo: NAK Mitteldeutschland Weimar Photo: NAK Mitteldeutschland Weimar Photo: […]

September 16, 2015
Charity work

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Sharing and communicating: Fate of refugees moves many hearts

The fate of the many refugees who are currently travelling in Europe has moved the hearts of New Apostolic Christians around the world. This is demonstrated by the reactions in social networks. But it is not just talk and discussion: concrete help is also being organized. It is one of the most read articles since […]

September 9, 2015
Charity work

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“No, I am not afraid. I trust in God”

On Sunday, 19 April 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider celebrated a divine service in Dodoma, the national capital of Tanzania. On this occasion, he placed District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi into retirement and ordained Joseph Opemba Ekhuya (45) as his successor, and commissioned him to lead the New Apostolic Church East Africa as District Apostle. A […]

September 5, 2015
Charity work

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People without a home: streams of refugees in Europe

Many millions of people around the world are refugees. Many of them flee their countries for fear of terrorism and out of concern for life and limb. Helping them when they arrive in their new country is an expression of active charity. Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp Photo: Brendan Bannon/IOM/UNHCR In the refugee camp […]

September 4, 2015
Charity work

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At home worldwide: 200 litres of blood donated

More than 400 members of the District Church Southern Germany donated blood to the Red Cross. Various congregations hosted blood drives over the past several weeks. More than 200 litres of blood were donated. The hosts of the drive were thrilled that many of the donors were first-time donors. Thanks to the publicity that the […]

August 14, 2015
Charity work

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Floods in Myanmar affect thousands: contact to congregations disrupted

The New Apostolic Church in South-East Asia is anxious. Hundreds of thousands of people in Myanmar are affected by the recent floods. Contact has been lost to our Church members in the north of the country. Photo: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters Photo: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters Apostle Wolf and Bishop Tansahtikno on the way to a divine […]

August 12, 2015
Charity work

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“Sometimes they radiate an inexplicable joy.”

It has been five years that he was ordained District Apostle for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since 1 August 2010, Michael Deppner has been leading the District Church Congo-West that was established at the time. This task brings numerous difficulties with it, but also special experiences. Photo: Michael Deppner Photo: Michael Deppner Photo: […]

August 1, 2015
Charity work

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A busy year for NACSEARelief

The aid organization of the New Apostolic Church South-East Asia has just released its annual report for 2014. It was a tough, a challenging year, it says. Typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters claimed many lives. NACSEARelief: typhoon Bopha Photo: NACSEA NACSEARelief: typhoon Bopha Photo: NACSEA NACSEARelief: typhoon Bopha Photo: NACSEA NACSEARelief: typhoon Bopha Photo: […]

July 16, 2015