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Chief Apostle

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community 2/2021: Our future with God

The end of human life, hope in the return of Jesus, and fellowship with God: the latest issue of community has lots to offer on the Christian future. Spiritually hale and hearty Health, happiness, and stability are desired by many people. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider draws a parallel which concerns the spiritual plane and thus […]

April 1, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Praying with open eyes

This is nothing new: people have wishes as long as they live. In His time, Jesus asked a blind man sitting by the side of the road what He could do for him. The man responded promptly. Here is an excerpt from a sermon by the Chief Apostle. “What do you want Me to do […]

March 31, 2021
Chief Apostle

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The weekly update

Changing YouTube channels and upcoming services on Good Friday… here is this week’s update on the central video services offered by the New Apostolic Church. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services via YouTube, TV, or IPTV. In many places, members can also dial in, making it possible for everyone to join a […]

March 26, 2021
Chief Apostle

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The fivefold yes to Jesus

How Jesus works, what He wants, and where He is leading us is shown by the Guide He Himself left us. And it unfolds in the fellowship He Himself established. Here is a divine service on the topic of decisions. Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde Photo: Marcel Felde […]

March 24, 2021
Chief Apostle

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The sacraments (30): Communion under both species

Communion during COVID: it would be a non-starter if we all shared the same wine chalice. So how can the sacrament nevertheless be celebrated “under both species”—that is, with both bread and wine? For an answer, we turn to history—namely that of the New Apostolic Church! The chatter was everywhere: the German Press Agency and […]

March 23, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Weekly online services

A lot is possible in spite of Covid measures, such as the weekly video services on Sundays. Every week, offers an overview of the worldwide streaming offers. Covid-19 restricts yet at the same time it opens up new possibilities: although congregations can no longer carry out all church events in the usual form, centrally […]

March 19, 2021
Chief Apostle

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God helps when we have to sail against the wind

There are days when we turn on the spot and simply make no progress. “Don’t worry,” Chief Apostle Schneider says and explains how God helps even when we seem to get nowhere. On Sunday 24 January 2021, the Chief Apostle conducted a divine service in Zofingen in Switzerland Photo: NAK Schweiz Music was provided by […]

March 17, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Father, doer, and caring minister

His death was a shock for his small flock in Europe and his big flock in Africa. District Apostle Higelin passed away 25 years ago to the day. He was a man of action and a father figure of a unique build. Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: Bischoff Verlag Archiv Photo: […]

March 16, 2021
Chief Apostle

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One year of digital services: “A blessing!”

Via YouTube, satellite, telephone, TV, and IPTV … The Church broadcasts live on all channels. Over the past year, the Church has expanded its online services considerably. And this brings believers together and comforts and inspires them every week. Divine service broadcasts have been common practice in the New Apostolic Church for decades. Initially, these […]

March 12, 2021
Chief Apostle

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The great physician at work

Jesus Christ still heals today. Faith is the foundation. But that alone will not do it: this is the diagnosis from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: Mike St. Denis Photo: NAC Canada/NAC USA Photo: NAC Canada/NAC USA Photo: NAC Canada/NAC […]

March 11, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Service for the departed: salvation is free

God wants all people to be saved; He does not exclude anyone. This applies to both the living and the dead. On Sunday New Apostolic Christians around the world will celebrate a divine service for the departed. Inner reflection, emotions, memories are the sentiments that carry us through this day. How often does it not […]

March 5, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Tribute to a US pioneer

J. P. is short for John Peter, and the name Fendt has gone down in American Church history. Today John Peter Fendt would have celebrated his 125th birthday. Here is a portrait in tribute of a pioneer. Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Westdeutschland Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Westdeutschland Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Westdeutschland Photo: Archiv Bischoff Verlag His parents […]

March 3, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Preparation for the service for the departed

God loves all human beings and God wants to save every single one. So what does He need believers for? A divine service packed with Christian basics, a little poetry, and above all pure joy. “For mankind in captivity to sin, redemption means returning into the fellowship of God. The doctrine that salvation is also […]

February 26, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Upcoming divine services

Fluctuating case numbers and adapting to changing Covid-19 measures are challenging people everywhere. But there is a comforting constant in all of this—our online and dial-in services. Divine services via telephone or video do not save lives, nor can they prevent a lockdown or give the economy a boost. But they are a reliable source […]

February 19, 2021
Chief Apostle

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Not one step without Christ

Whatever 2021 will bring, God will not be stopped in carrying out His plan of redemption for humankind. In the process, every human being has a companion from start to finish: Jesus Christ. From the divine service introducing our annual motto. Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: Bernhard […]

February 18, 2021