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Chief Apostle

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Loving the enemy made easy

Turn the other cheek? Does that not mean that Jesus expects us to systematically volunteer as victims? No, because there are limits. Answers to the questions when and how were provided by the Chief Apostle in a recent service. What Jesus demanded was quite revolutionary. This is how Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider described the Sermon […]

May 4, 2016
Chief Apostle

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The strategies of the Adversary

Unbelief, disobedience, irreconcilability … The Devil has many methods to separate man from God. But there is an antidote. Thoughts from a recent divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Photo: INA Argentina Nearly 30,000 […]

April 28, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Forgive us our debts – on the forgiveness of sins

Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider recently invited all District Apostles and District Apostle Helpers to Zurich (Switzerland) for a session of the International District Apostle Meeting. In the divine service that he conducted on the occasion, he addressed the importance of the forgiveness of sins several times. What exactly takes place there? Has Jesus’ sacrifice on […]

April 26, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Central divine service: how New Year turned into Pentecost

Pentecost is a very special feast for the New Apostolic Church—a kind of birthday celebration of the worldwide Church. Following are some highlights from four decades. 1981 – Bern/Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz 1981 – Bern/Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz 1981 – Bern/Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz 1982 – Böblingen/Deutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland 1988 – Fellbach/Deutschland Photo: NAK […]

April 25, 2016
Chief Apostle

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The biggest wish: enough to eat

Heat, dust, and parched fields … When harvests fail and hunger threatens, the people need help desperately. takes a look at the drought that has hit the Philippines. Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC Philippines Photo: NAC […]

April 22, 2016
Chief Apostle

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New premises inaugurated

The new offices are bright, modern, and friendly. Bischoff Publishers, the media company of the New Apostolic Church, has moved to new offices. But the premises are not the only thing that is new. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

April 20, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Who are the chosen in the end?

Knowing that we have been elected by grace gives us a fundamental sense security. “But this does not imply automatic salvation,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says. What do we have to do to secure our election? Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: Bernhard Holdener Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: NAK Schweiz Photo: […]

April 19, 2016
Chief Apostle

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April’s topic: the Lord’s Prayer

The ministers of the New Apostolic Church receive a copy of the Divine Service Guide, a publication in which the Chief Apostle provides thoughts for the sermons. In many District Churches this occurs on a monthly basis. Some countries, however, receive a yearbook, which contains a whole year’s worth of articles. In the month of […]

April 15, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Pentecost: Frankfurt is counting the days

The countdown is on: 32 days to go to this year’s Pentecost celebrations. This time in Frankfurt (Germany). The preparations are in full swing and there is growing excitement. There is even a dedicated website. Pentecost 2016, Chief Apostle Schneider, Convention Centre Photo: Pietro Sutera Poster campaign testifies of the excitement Photo: NAK Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland Poster […]

April 12, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Prayer for peace in a divided country

South Korea is unlike any other country. Its brother in the north is close geographically, but politically it could not be further away. On his upcoming trip to South Korea next month, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider plans to say a prayer for peace. The ”Freedom Bridge”. Photo: Kim Hong-Ji / Reuters Map of the Demilitarized […]

April 9, 2016
Chief Apostle

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The Chief Apostle in South America

Argentina, Peru, Colombia—from south to north. These are the countries on Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider’s itinerary this week as he travels through South America. On Sunday, 10 April he plans to conduct a divine service in Bogotá. Photo: Photo: Photo: Colombia is a country of striking beauty. Its northern coastline is washed by the waters […]

April 7, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Spotlight 06/2016: Seeking God’s blessing

Victory with Christ! What are our chances? Who is our ally? And what can we do when things go wrong? Answers from District Apostle Enrique Eduardo Minio from Argentina. As children of God we have been called to conquer death and to have eternal fellowship with our heavenly Father. This is challenging, but there will […]

April 6, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Five bits of wisdom from the Psalms

Show the young generation that Jesus is the standard. Don’t impose the same restrictions we ourselves experienced. Respond to the alleged absence of God with 
your own experiences—profound thoughts from Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: […]

April 4, 2016
Chief Apostle

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community is online: issue 2016/02

Being able to leaf through and read their own copy of community is something very special for many members. Another edition has just been completed and is on its way to many countries and congregations. community is the member magazine of the New Apostolic Church and along with African Joy and the German magazine Unsere […]

April 2, 2016
Chief Apostle

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Two Chief Apostles together—a rare thing indeed

When the Chief Apostle visits a congregation, he is usually the only Chief Apostle there. Not so in the congregation of Nordheide. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider celebrated the divine service while the retired Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber played the organ—something rare indeed. Two Chief Apostles together—a rare thing indeed Photo: Björn Renz Two Chief Apostles […]

April 1, 2016