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Chief Apostle

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Coming soon: a manual for ministers

There are at least three books that ministers of the New Apostolic Church need: the Bible, the Catechism, and the Guide for Ministers. The latter of these works has just been sent to the Regional Churches in order to receive a final regional polish. Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas Rother Photo: Andreas […]

October 5, 2023
Chief Apostle

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In pursuit of perfection

Totally passionate about Jesus Christ: “He has done everything well!” or “He does everything well!” Check out the divine service report to find out what exactly the Chief Apostle meant by this and why it is good to let ourselves be infected by such enthusiasm. Photo: Frank Schuldt/Neuapostolische Kirche Westdeutschland Photo: Frank Schuldt/Neuapostolische Kirche Westdeutschland […]

October 4, 2023
Chief Apostle

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community 4/2023: Trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit

Reliving the events surrounding the feast of Pentecost—that is the aim of the latest edition of community. The current issue focuses on this central divine service and the activities associated with it. And naturally there are all sorts of other interesting things to discover as well. Pentecost is the overarching theme of the newest edition […]

October 2, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Augsburg: The city where religious peace was established

In the sixteenth century, the dispute over Luther’s theses brought the Reformer to Augsburg, Germany. First there was a loud argument, but then the parties arrived at an agreement that ensured peace between the denominations for years to come. And now Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is about to visit the city. The Basilica of Saints […]

September 26, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Half a century in ministry

This Sunday, 24 September 2023, District Apostle Leonard R. Kolb (1956) will retire. He has served as a minister in the New Apostolic Church for an impressive 50 years. For fifteen years he has led the Regional Church of the USA. This Sunday, 24 September 2023, Leaonard R. Kolb will be retired by Chief Apostle […]

September 20, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Overcoming and emerging victorious

Nearly a hundred thousand people took part in the divine service in Kinshasa, either directly or on television. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider addressed the current situation in the country and called on the members to overcome evil with good. Jesus leads by example. Photo: ENA RDC Ouest Photo: ENA RDC Ouest Photo: ENA RDC Ouest […]

September 19, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Well beyond any horizon

How far does God’s grace and faithfulness reach? As far as the heavens and the clouds? What does that mean? And how should people respond when they experience God’s goodness? The Chief Apostle explained all this in a divine service in Angola. Photo: Tim Schaefer-Rolffs/Neuapostolische Kirche Westdeutschland Photo: Tim Schaefer-Rolffs/Neuapostolische Kirche Westdeutschland Photo: Tim Schaefer-Rolffs/Neuapostolische […]

August 23, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Ministery (35): Receiving the sacrament at the altar

Did the New Apostolic Deaconesses of the early decades carry a spiritual ministry or not? Before we can answer this we have to clear up two further questions. First, were the women ordained? And secondly, what were their duties? Here is the current state of research. Deaconesses from the Netherlands Photo: AG GNK Deaconesses are […]

August 22, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Showing others that God loves them

There are young people who are public-spirited and like to reach out. And then there are countries where New Apostolic Christians urgently need one or the other thing. So why not bring the two together? Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland This is what young people […]

August 21, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Dimensions of faith

At first the Bible text seemed rather confusing: those who humble themselves will be exalted and vice versa. This is what it says in Luke. But Chief Apostle Schneider went on to explain what exactly this means. Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: “This sentence from Jesus is also important for us today,” he […]

August 9, 2023
Chief Apostle

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Ministry (34): A brief history of Deaconesses

Were the Deaconesses in the New Apostolic Church ministers or not? To answer that we first have to look at how this function developed in the first place, historically that is. Join us on our search for historical evidence. In the first eighty years of the New Apostolic tradition, Deaconesses were anything but rare. A […]

August 8, 2023
Chief Apostle

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What counts today is reconciliation

He had been designated as the next Chief Apostle. Even so, he was excommunicated from the Church. Seventy-five years ago today, District Apostle Peter Kuhlen was installed as Chief Apostle Helper and successor—an occasion to pay tribute. But what exactly to? Here are a few personal words on the subject. District Apostle Peter Kuhlen… Photo: […]

August 1, 2023