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‌Singing, praying, cooking – doing things together
A cookbook, a wheelchair, and a compliant congregation. Together people can achieve so much more. This is what members in South Africa and Nigeria, the Philippines, and France and Germany experienced over the past few weeks.
08 03 2024

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High above the city—the centre of the congregation
You can’t help but notice it: Argentina’s Eldorado Km 9 church is located high above the city and features a unique mixture of various styles and time periods. Built by the members themselves, it has always been a mighty fortress through the years, and this year it celebrates its 85-year anniversary.
19 02 2024

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Making the Church and our faith young
Songs of praise fill the streets of Nigeria, ring out in a retirement home in South Africa, and come from the mouths of children at a special service in Spain. When young people are involved in shaping things, there is always something going on in the congregation and in society. Here’s a glimpse of what the younger generation is up to.
22 12 2023

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community 4/2023: Trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit
Reliving the events surrounding the feast of Pentecost—that is the aim of the latest edition of community. The current issue focuses on this central divine service and the activities associated with it. And naturally there are all sorts of other interesting things to discover as well.
02 10 2023

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community 3/2023: Discovering a whole world between the lines
A world trip without an airplane? You don’t even have to leave home for it. Let the new issue of community show you around. Following in the footsteps of the Chief Apostle and their brothers and sisters in faith, readers can once again travel the world—from the sofa or from the pew after the divine service, wherever they choose to read the magazine.
03 07 2023