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Pastoral care (08): a big heart for little children

Who cares for the children? Their parents, of course, but also the teachers, the whole congregation, and naturally also the ministers. But how can they help? And what are the special challenges of pastoral care for children? Understanding the key issues Pastoral care always looks at the whole person and therefore not only focuses on […]

November 17, 2020

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Explaining the Bible to children

Anyone who has grown up with Bible stories will likely still remember very specific images. These may have been beautiful pictures from a lovingly illustrated children’s Bible, or perhaps some especially unsettling pictures that you wanted to look at again and again in fascination as a child. This clearly shows us that telling the stories […]

September 24, 2020

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Music to overcome the lockdown blues

One faith, many songs … Anyone who wants to see and hear how alive New Apostolic life is around the globe despite Pandemic restrictions only has to go to YouTube and look for virtual choirs. Join us for a tour of magical melodies. The world in pandemic isolation? Well, not necessarily where church music is […]

June 18, 2020

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Save our children: Universal Children’s Day 2019

Do children really need their own awareness day? The United Nations certainly think so, for the world does not belong to our children, although it should. Some thoughts contrary to the general trend. Universal Children’s Day is observed by 145 nations. It is a day to promote the needs and rights of children. The United […]

November 20, 2019

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How to get Sunday School to the children

The new Sunday School teaching material is ready and is to be introduced everywhere. But in Africa this is not quite as simple as it may sound. This is what the District Apostle Meeting Africa is currently talking about. How and in what format will the new teaching material for Sunday School reach the many […]

November 15, 2019

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CTM means “Children’s Teaching Material”

Abbreviations like CTM have the advantage of conveying content without constantly having to repeat a long series of words. To make a long story short, the new textbooks for Sunday School are now also being introduced in Europe. Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: Jessica Krämer Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: New Apostolic Church International Photo: […]

August 1, 2019

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God blesses those who trust Him

“The resurrection of Christ is such a bizarre story,” young people have told tell the Chief Apostle. Human beings generally know very little about the omnipotence of God. But the Chief Apostle is sure that there are no limits to the power of God. Some 1,800 participants were counted in our Lavistown church Photo: NAC […]

July 17, 2019

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Growing together and growing closer

The idea is not to plow a lonely furrow, but to do it together: Jesus Christ sought fellowship and fostered it. And Christians follow His example … all the time and on all continents. Growing together and growing closer – In the circle of the Apostles Photo: NAC Ghana Growing together and growing closer – […]

February 22, 2019

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New year, new ideas – How 2019 started around the world

Cancelled services because of heavy snowfall, Sunday School with recorder and trombone ensembles, and an annual programme of learning and praying. These are some of the different ways New Apostolic congregations across the world launched into the new year. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa […]

January 18, 2019

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A musical canvas to celebrate cultural diversity

A canvas in brilliant tone colours. This is what the regional church is working on which Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will be visiting this weekend. Music is an integral part of worship in the New Apostolic Church around the globe. This is particularly apparent in southern Africa. The online shop of the New Apostolic Church […]

December 6, 2018

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Giving children space to grow

Children’s services are important, and with an eye on the future, an important offer in our congregations. Children need space, attention, and a great deal of support. Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC […]

October 26, 2018

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Whoever has eyes, let him hear!

Seeing what is preached, signing what is sung. Sign language makes both language and music tangible—whether in Sunday School or divine service. Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange “Through sign language we all naturally belong!” This was the common motto […]

September 27, 2018

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community is online: issue 2018/02

community offers inspiring reading for young Christians. Whether you page through it, read it for yourself, or have someone read to you, the magazine offers content for all age groups. community is the international quarterly that features reports on the Chief Apostle’s trips, regular doctrinal articles, and reports on the congregational life across the world. […]

April 2, 2018

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“He rules in our hearts”

The king’s name is Léon. There is thunderous applause as he ascends his throne. Then another king comes, one who is different and changes everything. Scenes from a divine service for children with the Chief Apostle. Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR […]

February 8, 2018