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Advent: waiting for the Lord
In the past people used to ask, "When will the Messiah come?" The ancient writings had made reference to Him. He came "when the fullness of the time had come". Today Christians ask, "When will the Lord return?" Advent is intended to remind us of this.
28 11 2015

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How the Divine Service Guide is created
The making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 Apostles from around the world. They are the writers of the Divine Service Guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 New Apostolic ministers around the world. The go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop.
08 07 2015

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Development work—between pastoral care and bookkeeping
They were both tireless workers: but one was more of a caregiver, while the other was more of an organizer. And in the next few days, their birthdays will come around for the 150th time. Following is a look back on the activity of District Apostles Wilhelm Oehlmann and Martin Lax in the regions that are now part of Eastern Germany, Poland, and Russia.
06 04 2015

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Divine services for the departed: a New Apostolic specialty
Three times a year, New Apostolic Christians celebrate a divine service in which they remember the departed. Unlike All Souls’ or All Saints’ Day—which are a day of prayer for the dead—this is a Sunday on which the sacraments are administered to the dead. What is behind this?
24 02 2015

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Light after darkness
Comfort and solace was offered in a recent concert by the Wilhelmshaven Chamber Choir. It was given in memory of the tsunami in South-East Asia ten years ago. How did those affected by the tsunami, either directly or as helpers, experience the disaster? Following are some personal accounts.
08 01 2015