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Concept of salvation for the departed

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Concept of salvation for the departed

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The Catechism: a universal book of faith

The “new” version of the Catechism in questions and answers is just about to be launched. The content is the same as the long version, although divided up into questions and answers. Time to take stock and see how the Catechism has been received and understood. The full version of the Catechism Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

07 07 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Holy Communion is celebrated everywhere

They have lost everything: their possessions, their home, and many of their loved ones. More than 50 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes. Tomorrow, 20 June, is World Refugee Day, an occasion for to take a look at some of the refugee camps in East Africa. More than 60 million people […]

20 06 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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At home around the world

Snow at Pentecost? A strange phenomenon for those living north of the Equator. But in the Southern Hemisphere this is nothing unusual at this time of the year. In fact, the world is so big and colourful that what seems normal for us may appear novel and perhaps a little unusual for someone else somewhere […]

12 06 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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“Typically New Apostolic”—the legacy of Apostle Schwarz

Like no one else, he influenced the development of a movement that eventually became the New Apostolic Church . Not only because he played a central role in our Church’s history, but also because he had a defining impact on a Christian denomination that was still in its infancy at the time: Apostle Friedrich Wilhelm […]

11 04 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Recognizing the glory of the Lord

Distraught? In despair? At times we need to take a few moments to pause and gain a clearer perspective. During his most recent trip to Canada, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider followed in the footsteps of three of Jesus’ disciples. Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada Photo: NAC Canada Photo: […]

09 04 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Peace – A matter of choice

Finding peace in Christ: this is the goal of faith. But what comprises this peace? And how does one attain it? At times we must even fight for it. This is part of the answer from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: NAK Österreich Photo: NAK Österreich God’s word in human words Photo: […]

26 03 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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A steadily growing flock is gently tended

Some people grow with the tasks they are assigned. And sometimes an entrusted assignment grows under the activity of a particular person. One of these people was District Apostle Hermann Dietrich Magney. He was born 140 years ago today. Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK NRW […]

14 03 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Duties between ministry and commission

Tomorrow, 8 March, is International Women’s Day – a celebration that has its roots in the battle for equal rights. Women in the New Apostolic Church cannot exercise a ministry, but they do perform invaluable pastoral work. How does that fit together? There has already been precedent for women in ministry: at the end of […]

07 03 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Divine services for the departed: a New Apostolic specialty

Three times a year, New Apostolic Christians celebrate a divine service in which they remember the departed. Unlike All Souls’ or All Saints’ Day—which are a day of prayer for the dead—this is a Sunday on which the sacraments are administered to the dead. What is behind this? Photo: Daniel Rudolph, Congregation Berlin-Lichtenberg In the […]

24 02 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The father of personal responsibility

Soft yet firm, someone who blazed the trail and someone who guided others on it, that was Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler. Today he would have turned 90 years of age. “He put his whole heart into every divine service. You could feel his soul in every line he wrote. His mind grappled with every decision, […]

20 02 2015
Concept of salvation for the departed

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European Apostles ring in Pentecost with a meeting in Hamburg

Hamburg/Zurich. Retiring Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber opened the European Apostle Meeting in Hamburg the Saturday before Pentecost with warm thanks to all the Apostles for their work and support, all their prayers, and all their willingness to contribute and help along in the various developments. With emotion he went on to add: “I would also […]

18 05 2013
the catechism: a universal book of faith. the “new” version of the catechism in questions and answers is just about to be launched. the content is the same as the long version, although divided up into questions and answers. time to take stock and see how the catechism has been received and understood. the full version of the catechism photo: oliver rütten […]. 07 07 2015
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holy communion is celebrated everywhere. they have lost everything: their possessions, their home, and many of their loved ones. more than 50 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes. tomorrow, 20 june, is world refugee day, an occasion for to take a look at some of the refugee camps in east africa. more than 60 million people […]. 20 06 2015
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at home around the world. snow at pentecost? a strange phenomenon for those living north of the equator. but in the southern hemisphere this is nothing unusual at this time of the year. in fact, the world is so big and colourful that what seems normal for us may appear novel and perhaps a little unusual for someone else somewhere […]. 12 06 2015
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“typically new apostolic”—the legacy of apostle schwarz. like no one else, he influenced the development of a movement that eventually became the new apostolic church. not only because he played a central role in our church’s history, but also because he had a defining impact on a christian denomination that was still in its infancy at the time: apostle friedrich wilhelm […]. 11 04 2015
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recognizing the glory of the lord. distraught? in despair? at times we need to take a few moments to pause and gain a clearer perspective. during his most recent trip to canada, chief apostle jean-luc schneider followed in the footsteps of three of jesus’ disciples. photo: nac canada photo: nac canada photo: nac canada photo: nac canada photo: nac canada photo: […]. 09 04 2015
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peace – a matter of choice. finding peace in christ: this is the goal of faith. but what comprises this peace? and how does one attain it? at times we must even fight for it. this is part of the answer from a divine service by the chief apostle. photo: nak österreich photo: nak österreich god’s word in human words photo: […]. 26 03 2015
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a steadily growing flock is gently tended. some people grow with the tasks they are assigned. and sometimes an entrusted assignment grows under the activity of a particular person. one of these people was district apostle hermann dietrich magney. he was born 140 years ago today. photo: zentralarchiv nak nrw photo: zentralarchiv nak nrw photo: zentralarchiv nak nrw photo: zentralarchiv nak nrw […]. 14 03 2015
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duties between ministry and commission. tomorrow, 8 march, is international women’s day – a celebration that has its roots in the battle for equal rights. women in the new apostolic church cannot exercise a ministry, but they do perform invaluable pastoral work. how does that fit together? there has already been precedent for women in ministry: at the end of […]. 07 03 2015
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divine services for the departed: a new apostolic specialty. three times a year, new apostolic christians celebrate a divine service in which they remember the departed. unlike all souls’ or all saints’ day—which are a day of prayer for the dead—this is a sunday on which the sacraments are administered to the dead. what is behind this? photo: daniel rudolph, congregation berlin-lichtenberg in the […]. 24 02 2015
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the father of personal responsibility. soft yet firm, someone who blazed the trail and someone who guided others on it, that was chief apostle hans urwyler. today he would have turned 90 years of age. “he put his whole heart into every divine service. you could feel his soul in every line he wrote. his mind grappled with every decision, […]. 20 02 2015
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european apostles ring in pentecost with a meeting in hamburg. hamburg/zurich. retiring chief apostle wilhelm leber opened the european apostle meeting in hamburg the saturday before pentecost with warm thanks to all the apostles for their work and support, all their prayers, and all their willingness to contribute and help along in the various developments. with emotion he went on to add: “i would also […]. 18 05 2013
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