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Concept of salvation for the departed

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Concept of salvation for the departed

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community 4/2023: Trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit
Reliving the events surrounding the feast of Pentecost—that is the aim of the latest edition of community. The current issue focuses on this central divine service and the activities associated with it. And naturally there are all sorts of other interesting things to discover as well.
02 10 2023
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Ministery (35): Receiving the sacrament at the altar
Did the New Apostolic Deaconesses of the early decades carry a spiritual ministry or not? Before we can answer this we have to clear up two further questions. First, were the women ordained? And secondly, what were their duties? Here is the current state of research.
22 08 2023
Concept of salvation for the departed

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No distance is too far
Distances, prison walls, social conventions: New Apostolic Christians do not let anything stop them from looking after their brothers and sisters in faith and experiencing fellowship. Here is a look at congregational life worldwide.
11 08 2023
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Unity in Christ does not exclude diversity
God in His triune nature is not a mental construct, but is someone who can be experienced directly. Despite the diversity of the individual members, the church of Christ comprises a single entity. The power and authority of Jesus Christ extend into the beyond. These are the subjects of our divine services in June.
01 06 2023
Concept of salvation for the departed

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More than just sharing accommodation
“Fellowship of life with Christ” is the overarching theme of the Sunday services in February. And that means more than just leaving a little room in our lives for Jesus and His gospel. Fellowship with Christ fills our whole life—today and in future.
31 01 2023