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Concept of salvation for the departed

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Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (67): A story behind every sentence
Three years and 66 parts later… The series on the sacraments has given us a lot of food for thought on theology and history in general and on New Apostolic specialties in particular. As a final instalment, here is an overview with dozens of links.
13 12 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Together we are strong
Love, friendship, and sharing the same faith… These are things that make us strong. And this is something that brothers and sisters from all generations and walks of life were able to experience in various countries over the past few weeks. Together in Christ still applies even if the year is almost over.
17 11 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (66): Here and there in a good dozen articles
Sacraments for the dead, this is a special feature of our New Apostolic faith. This is an aspect in our sacrament series that we could not have done without. In fourteen articles we examined the doctrine, how it is practised, and explored its history. In conclusion, here is an overview.
01 11 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The word of God workshop
The periodical points the way, but every preacher has to find his own way into the listener’s heart. This was one of the topics discussed by the authors of the Divine Service Guide at their most recent annual meeting, which took place on two continents.
20 10 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (64): Where the love of God breaks through
It has been called the structural law of biblical salvation history: the principle of substitution. Even the New Apostolic Church’s understanding of salvation for the departed is founded upon this. Following is the story of where the fundamental model originates—and where it ultimately leads.
06 10 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (61): Three times a year for all
It looks no different than usual: Apostles dispense the sacraments—this time to two designated ministers—and the congregation stands and prays along silently. And yet, this is a highly solemn moment that has touched the faithful for generations.
16 08 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (60): An order for the beyond
Things got off to a turbulent start. But step by step the New Apostolic Church has put order into its sacraments for the departed. Once the practical part had been brought into line, the theory followed suit. Here is the history in fast-forward mode.
02 08 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (59): For the departed under the hands of the Apostles
Can the departed receive salvation too? The question is as old as Christianity itself. The answer of the New Apostolic Church is not even all that new—and nevertheless, it is unusual. Here is the story of how the sacraments for the departed came to be dispensed.
21 07 2022
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The sacraments (58): Because corpses cannot eat
Vicarious baptism is a biblical pillar that supports the New Apostolic Church’s conception of salvation for the departed. An episcopal council is said to have forbidden it. This is how the story usually goes, but it is not quite correct. Here is the background and how it came to the decision.
07 07 2022