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Concept of salvation for the departed

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Concept of salvation for the departed

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God’s word in sketches

The current crisis has not only changed the way divine services are conducted, but also the way we follow and assimilate them. How active listening works and how it can strengthen the congregation is shown by the art of visual notetaking. Photo: Olaf Guttzeit Photo: Olaf Guttzeit Photo: Olaf Guttzeit Photo: Olaf Guttzeit Photo: Natalie […]

May 20, 2020
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Experiencing the powers to come already today

“Let us celebrate Easter together,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider called to the faithful in the central divine service that was broadcast worldwide, and went on to explain why we have every reason to celebrate even in the middle of the coronavirus crisis. Hundreds of thousands of New Apostolic Christians experienced this divine service at home—either […]

April 12, 2020
Concept of salvation for the departed

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They’re not heroes, but volunteers with a heart

When the TV cameras move on and the crisis disappears from the headlines, NAC SEA Relief stays and continues to provide relief aid. In its 2019 report, the South-East Asian relief organisation also looks back on a special operation outside its usual jurisdiction. Photo: NAC SEA Relief Photo: NAC SEA Relief Photo: NAC SEA Relief […]

March 12, 2020
Concept of salvation for the departed

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“A sensitive man with a heart for eternity”

A true protector who engaged his gifts with all his might for the sole mission of “perfection and completion”: that was District Apostle Arno Steinweg. On 28 February, he would have celebrated his 100th birthday. A portrait… Three scenes that blend together into a single image: “Preserve that which is entrusted to you and never […]

February 28, 2020
Concept of salvation for the departed

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A law that passes no sentence

God excludes no one. He does not reject anyone. Quite the contrary: He helps, supports, accepts… God is a God for you, your friends, and even your enemies. What is more important? The law or grace? And what do the two even have to do with one another? In the month of February, the Sunday […]

January 30, 2020
Concept of salvation for the departed

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For us, in us, with us — God does great things

“Well, where is your God now?” Scorners are most fond of making these sorts of remarks when things happen to be going badly for believers. But we find the response to this question in a time-honoured psalm. Here is what this hymn of praise has to tell us today. Photo: New Apostolic Church Malaysia Photo: […]

December 19, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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“I urge you to respect human life!”

New beginnings in Kasai and a jubilee in Ghana. Often, the needs of the congregations vary greatly. Sometimes there is joy and at times great sadness. Join us as we look at two congregations. Photo: Église Néo-Apostolique RDC Sud-Est Photo: Église Néo-Apostolique RDC Sud-Est Photo: Église Néo-Apostolique RDC Sud-Est Photo: Église Néo-Apostolique RDC Sud-Est Photo: […]

November 22, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Seeing eye to eye

Science and religion are incompatible like fire and water and heaven and hell. Nothing of the sort! They go hand in hand and feed off each other. Here is an interlude on World Science Day for Peace and Development that is observed every year on 10 November. The fact that faith helps has been scientifically […]

November 9, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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From darkness to light: the essence of the Christian belief

In the northern hemisphere, the month of November is dark and dreary. The days become shorter, the temperatures fall. For many people it is a miserable time of year. But there is hope, and this is always stronger than the night. Things will become better. The fact that things will become better is true in […]

October 31, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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We worship God—whom else would we worship!?

Are there any commonalities between the Israelites who made their way out of Egypt some 3,000 years ago and the Christians of the 21st century? Chief Apostle Schneider elaborates on the parallels and makes some very clear statements about witchcraft, capitalism, and egocentricity. Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo Photo: ENA DR Congo […]

September 25, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Baking wafers outside of Bielefeld

Something has to happen when the machines run twice as quickly as originally planned. But even elsewhere, baking wafers is anything but child’s play – how production started in Africa, America, and Asia. Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: […]

September 9, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Ministry (5): How we arrived at a third level

What sort of ministerial order does the church need? Beyond the apostolate, the New Testament does not give us a clear answer. The structure we consider so self-evident today only developed gradually over generations. Essentially there are two kinds of church in the New Testament period. On the one hand, there were congregations with Jewish […]

August 8, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The “Chief”—way ahead of his time

The Church’s own health insurance, a football league of congregational teams, and a working area that spanned half the globe: today we celebrate the 125th birthday of Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff—an Apostle unlike any other. Photo: NAC International Photo: NAC International Photo: Photo: Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Westdeutschland Photo: Photo: “So, if it were not for a […]

August 2, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Getting the picture (8): Demanding subjects

From portraits to group photos, from the concert hall to the church building: every subject has its own requirements. But there are tips and tricks for any situation in which divine service photographers may find themselves. Nearer, still nearer—beyond the centre—compress your photos: these are image composition tips that apply to nearly every photo. This […]

July 29, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Meeting points

Building bridges—between denominations and continents, but also between this world and yonder world. This is part of the daily life of faith of New Apostolic Christians all over the world. Here are three examples. Giving joint witness Photo: NAK Österreich Giving joint witness Photo: NAK Österreich Giving joint witness Photo: NAK Österreich Visit to a […]

July 12, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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It’s Sunday again …

This coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church will celebrate the divine service for the departed. This special service not only commemorates the departed, but in it the sacraments are dispensed to souls in the realms of the departed. On Sunday we will celebrate the divine service for the departed. How does the New Apostolic Church […]

July 5, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Impulses from the IYC: how faith and a successful career go together

In order to be successful you have to be ruthless and selfish. So how does faith fit in there? Stephanie Tritt, a professor of radiology and neuroradiology, gave some thought-provoking impulses on how being a Christian and being a boss can be reconciled. Photo: Andreas Fürst Photo: Andreas Fürst Photo: Andreas Fürst Photo: Andreas Fürst […]

June 25, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Five good reasons to rejoice

Reaching for success is a wonderful thing. But what happens if it fails to materialise at some point? There are better reasons to rejoice: here are the top five from a divine service with the Chief Apostle. Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland Photo: NAK Nederland […]

June 19, 2019