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Concept of salvation for the departed

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Concept of salvation for the departed

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A glimmer of hope beyond the diamond mines

Angola is booming — and yet the gap between the poor and rich is still growing. Many people still lack the bare necessities. Some, however, are finding new prospects in a project organised by two New Apostolic relief organisations. The contrast between rich and poor is obvious in Angola, especially in the cities Photo: mbrand85 […]

May 23, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Knowing what’s important

Was everything in the past wrong? Absolutely not! New knowledge is not there to replace the tried and tested teachings, but to complement them—provided it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Impulses from a divine service with the Chief Apostle. Photo: Horst-Dieter Kämpfer Photo: Horst-Dieter Kämpfer Photo: Horst-Dieter Kämpfer Photo: Horst-Dieter Kämpfer Photo: Horst-Dieter Kämpfer […]

April 10, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Beyond Eden: love liberates the will

A fratricide must not necessarily involve bloodshed: the thing between Cain and Abel is something that we see every day. And it poses a very personal question to every reader. Cain and Abel’s story is not only a chronological extension of Adam and Eve’s. In fact, the story of these two men must be understood […]

March 18, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Divine service in the southernmost city of the world

Whether at the end of the world, close to the South Pole, or on a small island somewhere in Africa, divine services and fellowship are possible nearly everywhere in the world. All one has to do is get up and go. A trip around the world Photo: Jeannot Leibfried A trip around the world Photo: […]

March 15, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The evolution of the Christian

March offers five Sunday services which essentially summarise the essence of the Christian journey from election to the return of Jesus, a kind of evolution. The term evolution generally refers to a gradual process of development which extends over long periods of time, across generations and species. In classical Latin, evolutio first referred to the […]

February 28, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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From mother tongue to a universal language

One’s mother tongue is only the beginning: with it a child begins to explore and assimilate the world around it. At best, this will lead to a universal language beyond words. Some thoughts on International Mother Language Day, which is being observed today. As a child explores and discovers the world around it, especially thanks […]

February 21, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Not an elite group, but volunteers

“If God is with me, why are all these things happening to me? Where are all these miracles that our fathers are always telling us about?” These questions were asked in the past and are still being asked today. Answers from a divine service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: […]

February 20, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Getting the picture (2) – It’s more than just snapping pictures

Pictures tell stories and photos answer questions: crucial is that you press the shutter button at the right moment. And what should the focus in a divine service be? A summary of subjects and options. interior of church Photo: Jessica Krämer Altar Photo: Frank Schuldt Bible Photo: Jessica Krämer flower decoration Photo: Oliver Rütten Singing […]

February 4, 2019
Concept of salvation for the departed

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People who have touched our lives in 2018

Praising God with a velvet voice, loving God against all odds, and doing volunteer work abroad with no thought of self. This is how Manilo, Mannki, and Angela live their faith, each in his or her own unique way. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Mankee Nag has learned […]

December 28, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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The numbers behind charity

About four million euros went to one hundred projects in 24 countries: this what the 2017 annual report of NAK-karitativ states. The report was published recently and describes some of the fates behind the figures. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ […]

December 10, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Seeking God’s help with Mary

She knows how it is done. Mary plays a special role not only during Advent. She already did so at the wedding in Cana. To find out what this account has to do with the Church and the faithful today, read on. Explanations from a divine service. Fellbach – in the year 2018 Photo: NAK […]

December 4, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Silvertown celebrates – Memories between joy and sadness

A divine service for the departed on the congregation’s anniversary? Sure! It is not out place, at least not in Silvertown (South Africa). Joy and grief go hand in hand there. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: Zentralarchiv NAK Nordrhein-Westfalen […]

November 8, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Common ground beyond all differences

Finding common ground, being there for one another, celebrating together: fellowship makes us strong—particularly in matters of faith. This applies as much to groups of friends as it does to denominations and even businesses. Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: NAC Southern Africa Photo: […]

September 20, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Spotlight 16/2018: “Where are You, God?”

Mastering daily life, finding a good job, being successful in life—such are the wishes of our young people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, these requests often remain unfulfilled, unfortunately. — Our young brethren in faith are asking for the assistance of God. District Apostle Tshitshi Tshisekedi (Democratic Republic of Congo Southeast) responds. The […]

September 13, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Comfort on the long road of grief

Comforting the recently bereaved is anything but easy. It is difficult to find the right words or even to overcome one’s own speechlessness at someone’s loss. Here are some do’s and don’ts in grief counselling. “There is nothing we can offer to ease your pain!” These words from someone in her neighbourhood are the ones […]

September 5, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Don’t forget heaven!

The transfiguration of the Lord is a revelatory event in the beginnings of the church. It leads Christians into a supernatural dimension and wants to tell them: there are goals worth striving for even outside of your daily lives. Don’t just seek to reach your earthly goals; remember heaven. The corresponding passages in the Synoptic […]

August 6, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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Beyond the interview: the network of basic principles

A three-part interview—and that is only a beginning. Because the Chief Apostle has a lot more to say. How all this fits together and what is behind it: here is a review. “Focus on the essentials,” is what Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider issued as a motto in his strategic interview. This puts him right in […]

June 30, 2018
Concept of salvation for the departed

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A presentation, a meal, and a celebration

Christians live their belief everywhere, whether at university, in a war zone, or at church. Sometimes words are important, other times a helping hand is. This week’s review takes us to three continents. Photo: NAK Luxemburg Photo: NAK Luxemburg Photo: NAK Luxemburg Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: […]

May 25, 2018