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Step by step: the way to freedom

Getting up, putting on one’s garments, and following the Lord. That is all it takes to break free from a spiritual prison. Is it really that easy? Yes, if you believe in the strength that God provides. Following are some helpful tips from a service by the Chief Apostle. Photo: NAC Equatorial Guinea Photo: NAC […]

April 18, 2018

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Trebaseleghe: looking forward to the Chief Apostle’s visit

Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will be in Italy this coming weekend. He will be in Trebaseleghe, 25 kilometres north of Venice. The congregation is looking forward to the special visitor, everything is ready. Photo: CNA Italia Photo: CNA Italia Photo: CNA Italia Photo: CNA Italia Photo: CNA Italia “What distinguishes Italy from a New Apostolic […]

April 17, 2018

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New Apostolic life in Barcelona: a congregation between tapas and WhatsApp

With a population of 1.6 million, Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the second most densely populated city in Europe. Small in comparison is the number of people who make their way to Calle Reverendo José Bundo 14–18 on Wednesdays and Sundays. Members from Barcelona … Photo: INA Barcelona / […]

April 16, 2018

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Confirmation: assuming responsibility, taking a stand

Who am I? Where do I want to go? These are some of the questions that young confirmands are asking themselves these days. Without reflecting on what confirmation means, this religious offer would be nothing more than mere tradition and liturgy—like a tree without roots. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: NAK Süddeutschland Photo: […]

April 11, 2018

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Spotlight 06/2018: Our whole life

The results count, not only our will. Faithfulness requires determination, District Apostle Michael Ehrich (Germany) says. Reflections on our 2018 motto. The promise: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2: 10) does not state that we can earn ourselves the kingdom of God in any way. Rather, […]

April 9, 2018

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An architect of historic foundations

Karl the Great is what many called him affectionately: today, 25 years to the day, one of the most influential District Apostles passed away. He did not only leave the New Apostolic Church with a historic self-image, but also with a few cultural peculiarities. The break with his father was the biggest trauma in Karl […]

March 27, 2018

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Our 2018 motto: Proving our faithfulness to Christ

“Christ is faithful, and we are faithful to Him.” Behind this simple message is not only the 2018 motto of the New Apostolic Church, but an answer to the question how this faithfulness reveals itself. Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider celebrated his first divine service of the […]

January 17, 2018

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Pastoral visits: a full calendar

They travel by air, sea, or land and log mile after mile as they bump over rough terrain and potholed dirt tracks in four-wheel drives. Getting to their congregations can be exhausting for Apostles and even dangerous. Photo: Hermann Bethke Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: Hermann Bethke Photo: Hermann Bethke Photo: Hermann Bethke Photo: Hermann Bethke […]

December 15, 2017

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Blessing. What does it mean exactly?

What is blessing? There are many answers. But some of the more popular notions miss the point. Chief Apostle Schneider in an interview of sorts. Blessing signifies increase. No. The blessing of God is basically to be understood as the imparting of salvation. Increase is, if it occurs, a side effect of blessing. God promised […]

December 14, 2017

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A career that started in a children’s choir

A 17-year old young woman is currently inspiring members of the New Apostolic Church in South Africa with awe. First they picked up the telephone for their sister. Now they are proudly sharing her videos. A success story between church music and pop music. Photo: Eyewitness News Paxton Fielies Photo: Photo: NAC Southern Africa […]

November 25, 2017

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“My praise shall be of You in the great assembly”

The congregation you have spent the greater part of your life in is going to be closed. “That is painful!” Jean-Luc Schneider says. Not even the Chief Apostle is spared from such heartache. How does he deal with it? Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: […]

November 16, 2017

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At odds with God—and experiencing Him nevertheless!

A deaf Priest? Is that even possible? Of course it is! Frank Jensen (50) from Wiesbaden, Germany recounts his experiences of life and faith. Today these have led him to the point where he is officially a member of not one, but three, congregations at the same time. Deaf from birth, Frank Jensen never thought […]

September 23, 2017

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“Teach the children and inspire them!”

An appeal of a special kind: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is constantly striving to keep an eye on the younger generation of the Church. This was not only part of his Pentecost sermon in Vienna, but also applies to the teaching materials that will be used in the various levels of Church instruction. Photo: Oliver […]

June 15, 2017

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Speaking the other one’s language

Wherever the Spirit of God dwells He makes an impact. But for these effects to unfold and develop it requires that we believe in our own sealing. Excerpts from the 2017 Pentecost service by the Chief Apostle. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the […]

June 4, 2017

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From the lowest of depths to the greatest of heights

“When I think about Ascension Day, I think about a cloud that slowly makes its way heavenward with the Lord Jesus on top of it,” says fourteen-year-old Michael in Confirmation Class. Fair enough! After all, that is how the Bible describes it. “When I think about Ascension Day, I think about a cloud that slowly […]

May 24, 2017

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At home around the world: “Yes” to faith and working in the congregation

Older members take their well-deserved retirement and younger helpers take on responsibility. That is how life is everywhere, even in New Apostolic congregations. Two weeks in South East Asia: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is presently travelling through the South East Asia-Pacific region. Photo: NAC Southeastasia Two weeks in South East Asia: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider […]

May 18, 2017

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An influential mediator

While in Germany to celebrate Easter this coming weekend, the Chief Apostle will come across traces of a fellow Frenchman: a man from Strasbourg who drafted an ordinance in Marburg (Germany) that is being observed all over the world in these weeks. Marburg is the name of the city in which Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider […]

April 12, 2017

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Know what you say, do what you can

Education and church go together well. After all, the doctrine that is brought to the congregation in the sermon or to the children in the various classes has to be learned. And to help this process along, the New Apostolic Church in South-East Asia has just opened its own academy. The director of the academy […]

January 19, 2017
step by step: the way to freedom. getting up, putting on one’s garments, and following the lord. that is all it takes to break free from a spiritual prison. is it really that easy? yes, if you believe in the strength that god provides. following are some helpful tips from a service by the chief apostle. photo: nac equatorial guinea photo: nac […]. april 18, 2018
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trebaseleghe: looking forward to the chief apostle’s visit. chief apostle jean-luc schneider will be in italy this coming weekend. he will be in trebaseleghe, 25 kilometres north of venice. the congregation is looking forward to the special visitor, everything is ready. photo: cna italia photo: cna italia photo: cna italia photo: cna italia photo: cna italia “what distinguishes italy from a new apostolic […]. april 17, 2018
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new apostolic life in barcelona: a congregation between tapas and whatsapp. with a population of 1.6 million, barcelona is the second largest city in spain after madrid, and the second most densely populated city in europe. small in comparison is the number of people who make their way to calle reverendo josé bundo 14–18 on wednesdays and sundays. members from barcelona … photo: ina barcelona / […]. april 16, 2018
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confirmation: assuming responsibility, taking a stand. who am i? where do i want to go? these are some of the questions that young confirmands are asking themselves these days. without reflecting on what confirmation means, this religious offer would be nothing more than mere tradition and liturgy—like a tree without roots. photo: oliver rütten photo: nak süddeutschland photo: nak süddeutschland photo: […]. april 11, 2018
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spotlight 06/2018: our whole life. the results count, not only our will. faithfulness requires determination, district apostle michael ehrich (germany) says. reflections on our 2018 motto. the promise: “be faithful until death, and i will give you the crown of life” (revelation 2: 10) does not state that we can earn ourselves the kingdom of god in any way. rather, […]. april 9, 2018
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an architect of historic foundations. karl the great is what many called him affectionately: today, 25 years to the day, one of the most influential district apostles passed away. he did not only leave the new apostolic church with a historic self-image, but also with a few cultural peculiarities. the break with his father was the biggest trauma in karl […]. march 27, 2018
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our 2018 motto: proving our faithfulness to christ. “christ is faithful, and we are faithful to him.” behind this simple message is not only the 2018 motto of the new apostolic church, but an answer to the question how this faithfulness reveals itself. photo: photo: photo: photo: photo: photo: photo: photo: photo: chief apostle jean-luc schneider celebrated his first divine service of the […]. january 17, 2018
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pastoral visits: a full calendar. they travel by air, sea, or land and log mile after mile as they bump over rough terrain and potholed dirt tracks in four-wheel drives. getting to their congregations can be exhausting for apostles and even dangerous. photo: hermann bethke photo: nac zambia photo: hermann bethke photo: hermann bethke photo: hermann bethke photo: hermann bethke […]. december 15, 2017
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blessing. what does it mean exactly? what is blessing? there are many answers. but some of the more popular notions miss the point. chief apostle schneider in an interview of sorts. blessing signifies increase. no. the blessing of god is basically to be understood as the imparting of salvation. increase is, if it occurs, a side effect of blessing. god promised […]. december 14, 2017
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a career that started in a children’s choir. a 17-year old young woman is currently inspiring members of the new apostolic church in south africa with awe. first they picked up the telephone for their sister. now they are proudly sharing her videos. a success story between church music and pop music. photo: eyewitness news paxton fielies photo: photo: nac southern africa […]. november 25, 2017
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“my praise shall be of you in the great assembly”. the congregation you have spent the greater part of your life in is going to be closed. “that is painful!” jean-luc schneider says. not even the chief apostle is spared from such heartache. how does he deal with it? photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: […]. november 16, 2017
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at odds with god—and experiencing him nevertheless! a deaf priest? is that even possible? of course it is! frank jensen (50) from wiesbaden, germany recounts his experiences of life and faith. today these have led him to the point where he is officially a member of not one, but three, congregations at the same time. deaf from birth, frank jensen never thought […]. september 23, 2017
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“teach the children and inspire them!”. an appeal of a special kind: chief apostle jean-luc schneider is constantly striving to keep an eye on the younger generation of the church. this was not only part of his pentecost sermon in vienna, but also applies to the teaching materials that will be used in the various levels of church instruction. photo: oliver […]. june 15, 2017
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speaking the other one’s language. wherever the spirit of god dwells he makes an impact. but for these effects to unfold and develop it requires that we believe in our own sealing. excerpts from the 2017 pentecost service by the chief apostle. “and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the […]. june 4, 2017
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from the lowest of depths to the greatest of heights. “when i think about ascension day, i think about a cloud that slowly makes its way heavenward with the lord jesus on top of it,” says fourteen-year-old michael in confirmation class. fair enough! after all, that is how the bible describes it. “when i think about ascension day, i think about a cloud that slowly […]. may 24, 2017
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at home around the world: “yes” to faith and working in the congregation. older members take their well-deserved retirement and younger helpers take on responsibility. that is how life is everywhere, even in new apostolic congregations. two weeks in south east asia: chief apostle jean-luc schneider is presently travelling through the south east asia-pacific region. photo: nac southeastasia two weeks in south east asia: chief apostle jean-luc schneider […]. may 18, 2017
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an influential mediator. while in germany to celebrate easter this coming weekend, the chief apostle will come across traces of a fellow frenchman: a man from strasbourg who drafted an ordinance in marburg (germany) that is being observed all over the world in these weeks. marburg is the name of the city in which chief apostle jean-luc schneider […]. april 12, 2017
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know what you say, do what you can. education and church go together well. after all, the doctrine that is brought to the congregation in the sermon or to the children in the various classes has to be learned. and to help this process along, the new apostolic church in south-east asia has just opened its own academy. the director of the academy […]. january 19, 2017
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