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Lighting candles in memory of loved ones

It is Christmas, however, many will not be able to celebrate a peaceful and joyful Christmas. All we need to do is look around the globe to see how different the circumstances are from one place to the next, and how very depressing they can be. Death strikes in Berlin Photo: Gudellaphoto Death strikes in […]

December 23, 2016

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Black and white squares and a guide to faith

Pokémon GO was yesterday, today it is Pakeiman GO. It means “applying one’s faith” in Indonesian. Following is a report on a Day of the Youth at which modern technology was used to transport a timeless message. Photo: NAC SEAsia Photo: NAC SEAsia Photo: NAC SEAsia Photo: NAC SEAsia Photo: Photo: Photo: NAC SEAsia Photo: […]

November 7, 2016

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“Being open to all people, to all nations”

He is at home in two countries, works for the Church on three continents, and speaks six languages: Bishop Aramik Fesdjian has been accustomed to internationality right from the cradle. In this interview he talks about his life between the worlds. In the interview: Bishop Aramik Fesdjian Photo: Danièle Idler Youth event with Apostle Jens […]

September 12, 2016

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Angklung sounds in a skyscraper

Cultural diversity is a hallmark of the District Church South-East Asia. And this applies to confirmation as well. How do they celebrate in Hong Kong, Indonesia, or the Philippines? Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC SouthEastAsia Photo: NAC […]

April 18, 2016

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A big thing: confirmation in the Cape district

Confirmation in the Cape district is always a big affair—in more ways than one. Alone the sheer number of young Christians who make their vow is amazing and then there are often big celebrations that take place afterwards. Photo: NAC Cape Photo: NAC Cape Photo: NAC Cape Photo: NAC Cape Photo: NAC Cape Photo: NAC […]

April 14, 2016

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Confirmation with Faithbook and video clips

It is time for confirmation services. Between Easter and Pentecost adolescents around the world step before the altar and profess their belief in God. The congregations take a keen interest. Following is a look at the District Church of Canada. Sixty-three New Apostolic girls and boys will be confirmed in Canada this year. This may […]

April 11, 2016

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Renouncing Satan: the meaning of the confirmation vow

Soon young Christians will step up to the altar to be confirmed. Just before this act of blessing they recite a doctrinal text from the early church that deserves to be given a closer look. “I renounce Satan and all his work and ways, and surrender myself to You, O triune God, Father, Son, and […]

March 12, 2016

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Busy with ongoing projects

19 + 1 is the working model this week in Zurich (Switzerland). The International District Apostle Meeting (DAMI) has convened for the first of two annual sessions. It is the highest executive committee of the New Apostolic Church. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver […]

March 10, 2016

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Liturgy: ritual, ceremony, and much more

What is the actual sequence of a New Apostolic divine service anyway? This question comes up often, especially when guests are present in a divine service for a baptism or confirmation, for example. The liturgical order of the divine services is the same for all divine services, and applies all around the world. Liturgy can […]

February 29, 2016

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Messages for Pentecost and New Year—a long-standing tradition

Such messages need space! They need an occasion to present themselves: New Year, Christmas, or Pentecost are ideal. Pentecost has long been a popular occasion for a uniform message. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is taking a somewhat different approach. There are many reasons for a Chief Apostle to issue messages over the course of a […]

January 11, 2016

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Need, joy, and fellowship in Asia

Great need, many small joys, and an energetic sense of community: that was the year 2015 from the perspective of New Apostolic Christians in Asia and Australia, the second region to look back over the year on Earthquake in Nepal: Priests Bel Bahadur (1st from left) and Indra Bahadur (5th from left) with injured […]

December 28, 2015

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European District Apostles meet in Zurich

Twice a year the District Apostles of Europe come together for conferences to discuss topics that are relevant for the European regional churches. The conference centre at the international head office of the New Apostolic Church provides an ideal environment for such meetings. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

November 13, 2015

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Signposts along our way

Are we still on the right way? The way is determined by the goal we want to reach. How good if there are signs along the path. But we also have to be able to understand them. In a recent youth service, the Chief Apostle explained some of the signs. Photo: NAC DR Congo Photo: […]

October 15, 2015

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International youth convention planned for 2019

“We can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the Chief Apostle prayed at the beginning of the District Apostles’ conference in Johannesburg in South Africa. Afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the District Apostles. Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: Peter Johanning Photo: NAC South East Africa Photo: […]

October 12, 2015

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Paris: New Apostolic life in an international congregation

Six metropolises – six continents – six congregations. What is New Apostolic life like in the major cities of the world? has done some investigating. Today we will make a stop in Paris. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France Photo: ENA France […]

July 28, 2015

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At home around the world

Washing the neighbour’s feet … How we can help in our congregations is something that young brothers and sisters in Australia worked on. also provides information on a selection of publications available from the district churches and reports about the death of Apostle Mwale. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Apostle (ret.) Mwale dies The […]

July 24, 2015

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How the Divine Service Guide is created

The making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 Apostles from around the world. They are the writers of the Divine Service Guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 New Apostolic ministers around the world. The go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: NAK Süddeutschland […]

July 8, 2015

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A friendly challenge over two continents

When two compete it can spell trouble … sometimes. But not so with Andrew Andersen and Mark Woll. The two District Apostles have entered a special kind of competition. But they are not the only participants. Competing against each other: District Apostles Mark Woll (Canada) and Andrew Andersen (Australia) Photo: NAC Canada District Apostle Mark […]

July 2, 2015
lighting candles in memory of loved ones. it is christmas, however, many will not be able to celebrate a peaceful and joyful christmas. all we need to do is look around the globe to see how different the circumstances are from one place to the next, and how very depressing they can be. death strikes in berlin photo: gudellaphoto death strikes in […]. december 23, 2016
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black and white squares and a guide to faith. pokémon go was yesterday, today it is pakeiman go. it means “applying one’s faith” in indonesian. following is a report on a day of the youth at which modern technology was used to transport a timeless message. photo: nac seasia photo: nac seasia photo: nac seasia photo: nac seasia photo: photo: photo: nac seasia photo: […]. november 7, 2016
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“being open to all people, to all nations”. he is at home in two countries, works for the church on three continents, and speaks six languages: bishop aramik fesdjian has been accustomed to internationality right from the cradle. in this interview he talks about his life between the worlds. in the interview: bishop aramik fesdjian photo: danièle idler youth event with apostle jens […]. september 12, 2016
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angklung sounds in a skyscraper. cultural diversity is a hallmark of the district church south-east asia. and this applies to confirmation as well. how do they celebrate in hong kong, indonesia, or the philippines? photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac southeastasia photo: nac […]. april 18, 2016
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a big thing: confirmation in the cape district. confirmation in the cape district is always a big affair—in more ways than one. alone the sheer number of young christians who make their vow is amazing and then there are often big celebrations that take place afterwards. photo: nac cape photo: nac cape photo: nac cape photo: nac cape photo: nac cape photo: nac […]. april 14, 2016
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confirmation with faithbook and video clips. it is time for confirmation services. between easter and pentecost adolescents around the world step before the altar and profess their belief in god. the congregations take a keen interest. following is a look at the district church of canada. sixty-three new apostolic girls and boys will be confirmed in canada this year. this may […]. april 11, 2016
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renouncing satan: the meaning of the confirmation vow. soon young christians will step up to the altar to be confirmed. just before this act of blessing they recite a doctrinal text from the early church that deserves to be given a closer look. “i renounce satan and all his work and ways, and surrender myself to you, o triune god, father, son, and […]. march 12, 2016
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busy with ongoing projects. 19 + 1 is the working model this week in zurich (switzerland). the international district apostle meeting (dami) has convened for the first of two annual sessions. it is the highest executive committee of the new apostolic church. photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver […]. march 10, 2016
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liturgy: ritual, ceremony, and much more. what is the actual sequence of a new apostolic divine service anyway? this question comes up often, especially when guests are present in a divine service for a baptism or confirmation, for example. the liturgical order of the divine services is the same for all divine services, and applies all around the world. liturgy can […]. february 29, 2016
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messages for pentecost and new year—a long-standing tradition. such messages need space! they need an occasion to present themselves: new year, christmas, or pentecost are ideal. pentecost has long been a popular occasion for a uniform message. chief apostle jean-luc schneider is taking a somewhat different approach. there are many reasons for a chief apostle to issue messages over the course of a […]. january 11, 2016
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need, joy, and fellowship in asia. great need, many small joys, and an energetic sense of community: that was the year 2015 from the perspective of new apostolic christians in asia and australia, the second region to look back over the year on earthquake in nepal: priests bel bahadur (1st from left) and indra bahadur (5th from left) with injured […]. december 28, 2015
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european district apostles meet in zurich. twice a year the district apostles of europe come together for conferences to discuss topics that are relevant for the european regional churches. the conference centre at the international head office of the new apostolic church provides an ideal environment for such meetings. photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten […]. november 13, 2015
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signposts along our way. are we still on the right way? the way is determined by the goal we want to reach. how good if there are signs along the path. but we also have to be able to understand them. in a recent youth service, the chief apostle explained some of the signs. photo: nac dr congo photo: […]. october 15, 2015
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international youth convention planned for 2019. “we can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the chief apostle prayed at the beginning of the district apostles’ conference in johannesburg in south africa. afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the district apostles. photo: peter johanning photo: peter johanning photo: nac south east africa photo: […]. october 12, 2015
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paris: new apostolic life in an international congregation. six metropolises – six continents – six congregations. what is new apostolic life like in the major cities of the world? has done some investigating. today we will make a stop in paris. photo: oliver rütten photo: oliver rütten photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france photo: ena france […]. july 28, 2015
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at home around the world. washing the neighbour’s feet … how we can help in our congregations is something that young brothers and sisters in australia worked on. also provides information on a selection of publications available from the district churches and reports about the death of apostle mwale. democratic republic of the congo: apostle (ret.) mwale dies the […]. july 24, 2015
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how the divine service guide is created. the making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 apostles from around the world. they are the writers of the divine service guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 new apostolic ministers around the world. the go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop. photo: oliver rütten photo: nak süddeutschland […]. july 8, 2015
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a friendly challenge over two continents. when two compete it can spell trouble … sometimes. but not so with andrew andersen and mark woll. the two district apostles have entered a special kind of competition. but they are not the only participants. competing against each other: district apostles mark woll (canada) and andrew andersen (australia) photo: nac canada district apostle mark […]. july 2, 2015
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