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At home worldwide

“At home worldwide” is the motto set out in the logo of This will also be the title of our weekly overview, in which we will look at the happenings among our brothers and sisters around the world. A congregational anniversary in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia A congregational anniversary in Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia […]

January 9, 2015

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Light after darkness

Comfort and solace was offered in a recent concert by the Wilhelmshaven Chamber Choir. It was given in memory of the tsunami in South-East Asia ten years ago. How did those affected by the tsunami, either directly or as helpers, experience the disaster? Following are some personal accounts. Some 250,000 people were killed by the […]

January 8, 2015

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An Advent wreath with six candles

Merry Christmas! Pardon? Christmas is long gone. But not in Russia. According to the Russian calendar Christmas is today, 7 January. For New Apostolic Christians this time of the year is a bit of a balancing act between the cultures. Our family Photo: Tatjana Uskowa During service Photo: Tatjana Uskowa The children of the congregation […]

January 7, 2015

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The Christmas before Christmas

Today, 6 January marks Epiphany, a religious festival that is not all that well known in New Apostolic circles, but crops up in our publications now and then. It is one of the oldest Christian festivals. In principle, Epiphany─the name used by the ancient church─is the forerunner of Christmas. The word comes from Ancient Greek […]

January 6, 2015

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The focus is on the global congregation is the medium the New Apostolic Church has just launched. community is another medium that is in the starting blocks. Why? What for? An interview with the Chief Apostle. wants to show the great diversity that is found in the New Apostolic Church worldwide. Photo: Oliver Rütten Chief Apostle: We will make use […]

January 5, 2015

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More than fireworks at midnight

Be it in a large circle or small, with a divine service or without, our members around the world have rung in the New Year in very different ways. But there is one thing that unites them all—and it’s more than just fireworks at midnight. The diversity of traditions with which the turn of the […]

January 2, 2015

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Media offer 2015:, the news magazine

Zurich. The countdown is on. On 1 January 2015 will go online. The new news magazine of the New Apostolic Church International (NACI) will offer interesting and valuable reports from around the world for New Apostolic Christians and other interested readers with. The content of the new online magazine will focus on internationally relevant […]

December 18, 2014

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Media offer 2015: is the website of the Church leadership

Zurich. For those who desire official church information, is the correct address to visit: As of spring 2015, the site will mostly publish announcements of international management and doctrinal texts. Future publications include changes in the Apostle´s circle, statements from the international working groups and project groups as well as news of the Chief […]

December 9, 2014

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New members in the Coordination Group

Zurich. The composition of the Coordination Group (CG) of the New Apostolic Church has changed. District Apostle Rüdiger Krause (NA Northern Germany) and District Apostle Rainer Storck (NAC North Rhine-Westphalia) are the newest members in this important body. The new members of the Coordination Group Photo: Oliver Rütten Members of the CG Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

December 4, 2014

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Statement of Reconciliation

Zurich/Dusseldorf. “The UAC and the NAC wish to mend their relationship with one another and go into the future in reconciliation and mutual respect for one another.” So reads the first sentence of the “Statement of Reconciliation”. Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten Photo: Oliver Rütten […]

November 29, 2014

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A blessed journey into the heart of Africa

Kinshasa/Zurich. On Sunday, 26 October 2014 Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider ordained seven new Apostles and four new Bishops for the District Church of Congo-West. Welcome greetings for the Chief Apostle Photo: Michael Deppner A children’s choir at the entrance of the church Photo: Michael Deppner Divine service: a glance into the congregation Photo: Michael Deppner […]

November 12, 2014

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“The thought of reconciliation is front and centre”

Zurich. As already announced, a Statement of Reconciliation between the United Apostolic Church and the New Apostolic Church is to be signed at the end of November. This is an historic moment for both churches, after nearly 60 years of separation. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider Photo: Peter Wild Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider Photo: Peter Wild […]

October 28, 2014

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“Please pray for us!” – A call for help from Central Africa

Bangui/Zurich. “Please do not grow tired of praying for us here in the Central African Republic, as it is only our heavenly Father who can bring peace to this country.” This touching call for help closes an email written by New Apostolic Christians from the Central African Republic. Brice, 12, who fled his home on […]

October 23, 2014

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Central and Northern Germany to grow together

Gifhorn/Zurich. The New Apostolic Church in Central Germany and Northern Germany will grow into a new District Apostle district in 2016. This was the news that the incumbent Central German District Apostle Wilfried Klingler shared with the congregation of Gifhorn, from where last Sunday’s Thanksgiving service was transmitted throughout the entire District Apostle district by […]

October 11, 2014

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A new District Apostle Helper in Argentina

Buenos Aires/Zurich. Over the first weekend in October, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider visited the New Apostolic congregations in Argentina. Apostle Enrique Minio was appointed the new District Apostle Helper for the District Apostle district. The divine service on Saturday in Santiago Photo: INA Sud Apostle Enrique Minio is appointed a District Apostle Helper Photo: INA […]

October 7, 2014

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New church building in Brussels

Zurich/Brussels. Since the start of September, the members of the New Apostolic congregation in the Belgian capital of Brussels have been the proud owners of a new church building. District Apostle Bernd Koberstein dedicated the new place of worship at 80 Avenue Franz Guillaume and rejoiced over the special celebratory event together with the 250 […]

October 5, 2014

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A fond farewell to retired District Apostle Klaus Saur

Karlsruhe/Zurich. A large mourning congregation assembled in the Karlsruhe-Central church late Saturday morning, 9 August 2014 in order to bid farewell to District Apostle Klaus Saur. Klaus Saur had served as a minister of the Church for 45 years Photo: NAK Süddeutschland The funeral service was conducted by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider Photo: NAK Süddeutschland […]

August 15, 2014

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Concern over Ebola disease in Western Africa

Stuttgart/Zurich. The Ebola virus is currently raging in a number of West African countries—and hundreds of people are affected. District Apostle Michael Ehrich provides corresponding guidelines for fellowship in church, and calls upon members and ministers to observe preventive measures unconditionally. The Missionswerk of the New Apostolic Church in Southern Germany… Photo: Not defined in […]

August 14, 2014