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Spotlight 18/2021: We are a future-oriented people

Seasons change life cycles in nature. And also in our own everyday life we experience changing phases of cold and warm, darkness and light. How good it is that Jesus Christ accompanies us on our way. Thoughts from District Apostle Helper Frank Dzur (Canada). In Canada, we have entered into our fall season. The leaves […]

October 25, 2021

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Around the world and round the clock

Who knows what will happen the day after tomorrow? The pandemic has shaken up many plans. One thing, however, is sure and that is the possibility of joining online services again on Sunday. The New Apostolic Church offers weekly central video services on YouTube, IPTV, or TV. In many places, members can also phone in, […]

October 22, 2021

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Combining forces to spread the word of God

Bringing the word of God to the people? That goes beyond the altar too. But at times the two go hand in hand—like in Uzbekistan, where a New Apostolic Priest is currently directing the affairs of the national Bible society. Having a Bible in your own language? For Uzbek Christians that is anything but a […]

October 19, 2021

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Bringing glory to God with choirs and recorders

People already made music in biblical times. King David had 4,000 people play musical instruments to the glory of God. Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn at the Last Supper. And in order to ensure that music remains a firm component of our faith life, it is encouraged and supported all around the world. […]

October 15, 2021

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Proven a million times over

Divine service broadcasts are part of the Church’s past and its present. Following is this Sunday’s streaming offer. It was a small revolution decades ago when divine services started to be transmitted by postal cable. At some point, the Church members not only heard the sermon but also saw images. Video transmissions via satellite made […]

October 15, 2021

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Pen pals become brothers

In 1960 a high school student from Germany wrote to the US Shipping Line in Tokyo. Eleven years later, the first New Apostolic congregation was established in Japan. This year, the New Apostolic Church celebrates its 50-year anniversary in Japan. A visit from District Apostle Urs Hebeisen and District Apostle Helper Peter Schulte in 2018 […]

October 14, 2021

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On the trail of heavenly mysteries

Mysteries are generally very popular. Many people find it stimulating and thrilling to know things that are not known to everyone else. But ultimately, all mysteries will be revealed in the light! This is also the case with our faith, says Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: NAC Zambia Photo: […]

October 13, 2021

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Many nations united in faith

Around 100 members in Paris, France are looking forward to the visit of the Chief Apostle on 17 October. The special thing about this congregation: they come from many different countries but are nevertheless connected by the same faith. Paris (august 2014) Photo: ENA France Some of the children of the Paris congregation at their […]

October 12, 2021

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Organ music is an expression of what lives within

Holger Hantke (70) worked as a composer in the creation of a number of sheet music collections for the New Apostolic Church. Born in Lübeck and today a resident of Hamburg, he talks about his life and what he thinks of New Apostolic music. Holger Hantke studied school and church music at the Hamburg University […]

October 11, 2021

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community 4/2021: What really matters in life

There is so much that competes for our attention, and we have to set priorities… But what really matters? Here is an answer from Chief Apostle Schneider. The new issue of community also features aspects of the Church’s teachings, people who share our faith, and congregational life around the world. What is truly important in […]

October 1, 2021

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Almost no changes

A reliable range of video services has accompanied the faithful since the beginning of the pandemic. The changes in the weekly overview are becoming fewer and fewer. Here is this week’s list of countries, languages, and links. Week after week the churches across the globe broadcast centrally conducted video services. There are fewer and fewer […]

October 1, 2021

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“All I wanted was to find some peace”

What moves people to decide to take their own life? This was a question that spirit magazine put to three people who have been directly affected by the subject of suicide. A few days after World Suicide Prevention Day, here are their responses. On World Suicide Prevention Day, we reported on forms of assistance that […]

September 30, 2021

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Learning from others

Knowing that someone with experience is nearby is invaluable. Drawing on their knowledge and ability often saves you from having to make your own futile attempts at something. This is called coaching, and coaching also works in our faith. Can you drive a nail into a cement wall? “I can’t imagine that” does not mean […]

September 28, 2021