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Feeling God’s love and guidance

Living, working and believing in Malaysia. This is what Evangelist Loganathan Ramaurty Lawrence (51), the rector of the congregation in Kuala Lumpur, tells us about. And he reveals what gives him strength to dedicate himself the way he does. The congregation of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) after the service on Thanksgiving Day 2019 Photo: privat Evangelist […]

May 11, 2020

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Pentecost—local and online

Pentecost … At home with the Chief Apostle or in our own congregation, maybe even with Holy Communion? The first option is open to everyone, the second one only to a few. The Chief Apostle’s recommendation is clear. We have never seen so much of our Apostles. Since the coronavirus crisis forced us to close […]

May 5, 2020

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Where two or three gather in my name

A minister, a technician, a musician—divine services are currently being held in a very small setting and are then followed by thousands online. Here are the links for the streams this coming Sunday. The physical attendance of divine services has not been possible for weeks. Assembly bans and stay-at-home orders are restricting congregational life. The […]

May 1, 2020

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Two spirits, one truth

Who shows us what God is really like? Who makes the Bible and the sermon a very personal matter? The Chief Apostle knows someone who can, and he also talks about someone who constantly gets in the way. Photo: Jennifer Jendral Photo: Jennifer Jendral Photo: Jennifer Jendral Photo: Jennifer Jendral Photo: Jennifer Jendral Photo: Jennifer […]

April 29, 2020

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Church leaders explore the possibility of reopening congregations

Online is not everything. How can we resume divine services and congregational life during the coronavirus crisis? Locally and very slowly and cautiously, is the answer of the European Church leaders. In times of assembly bans and stay-at-home orders the offers by the Church have had to be severely reduced. Divine services are currently taking […]

April 23, 2020

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“He does what we cannot do ourselves ”

No matter how powerful evil is, there is always One who can snatch the prey away from even the biggest predator. Yet even He does not do everything Himself. Read how Jesus Christ relies on every single believer. Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens Lange Photo: Jens […]

April 22, 2020

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Getting through it together

Sewing masks, shopping for others, or creating online learning resources—many people are looking for ways to help others and keep in touch during the coronavirus crisis. Members of the New Apostolic Church are also organising all kinds of campaigns and activities to help others stay positive despite social distancing. Here is a look at some […]

April 21, 2020

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Communion wafers for after the lockdown

The baking machines in Lusaka and Cape Town have come to a standstill, and in Bielefeld the warehouse is being stocked up. Things in the three large wafer bakeries of the New Apostolic Church are anything but normal these days. Photo: Frank Schuldt Photo: NAK Westdeutschland Photo: NAC Sambia Photo: NAC Southern Africa “The suspension […]

April 18, 2020

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Congregational life goes digital

Although the app is still under development, the idea has really taken off. The web and app project “my digital congregation” is entering the second stage. It was worth the two sleepless weekends: Maximilian and Raphael Mayer, Simon Zebrowski, Julian Zechko, and Florian Winkler-Rösler were successful with their project (see our report ) (“my […]

April 14, 2020

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Sing, all you Christians!

Easter is the feast of the resurrection of the Lord. It is the principal feast in the liturgical calendar of Christian churches. Easter is both commemoration and expectation, for Christ resurrected so that we too can resurrect. Faith feels at home where rational thought no longer reaches. And when it comes to the resurrection, man […]

April 11, 2020

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When less becomes more: an Easter Sunday service

Normally, 60,000 New Apostolic congregations come together for divine service on Sundays—but that was before the Corona crisis. Over the past few weeks, this offer has been reduced to two dozen central video services across the globe. On Easter there will only be one divine service: with the Chief Apostle. We can no longer go […]

April 9, 2020

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Help for people in need: a health facility in São Tomé and Príncipe

In 2008 NAK-karitativ and the New Apostolic Church in São Tomé und Príncipe provided funds for a health facility in this small African island state. Recently, new X-ray equipment was installed in the dental clinic, which belongs to the facility. Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Photo: NAK-karitativ Building a health facility In many countries […]

April 7, 2020

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How the sacrifice of Christ gives new life

Why did Jesus have to suffer and die? Well, naturally so that human beings could find their way back to God. But that is not the only significant aspect. “The sacrifice of Christ”—that is the title of a doctrinal article written by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider which appears in community and Unsere Familie, the German […]

April 2, 2020

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Watching the Chief Apostle from home on Easter

Easter is the “feast of consolation and hope”. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider really means it. To underline this he wants to send out a strong signal—with a worldwide divine service. Sure, the New Apostolic Church has a lot of experience with worldwide video services: the central Pentecost service has been transmitted regularly by satellite since […]

March 28, 2020

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Congregations are coming to life again

For four young men from Bavaria in Germany the past weekend was not exactly relaxing. And the coming weekend will not be any different either. But they are not the only ones who are making a huge effort to create some semblance of a congregational life after the coronavirus crisis upended it. Photo: Bundesregierung Photo: […]

March 27, 2020